Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Kitten sucking on his belly

    Posted 06-04-2019 01:35 PM

    My 2 month old kitten is obsessed with sucking on his belly


  • 2.  RE: Kitten sucking on his belly

    Posted 06-06-2019 10:55 AM

    Are you looking for advice?  If so, watch for damage to the skin but otherwise it's fine.  I had a litter of orphaned kittens and they did this to each other.  I was warned that the only thing I needed to be concerned about was if they were sucking on genitals because, apparently, it can cause issues later and, goodness knows, male cats already have a high enough risk of blockages.  


  • 3.  RE: Kitten sucking on his belly

    Posted 06-10-2019 10:18 AM

    Thank you. Ive been told they do it less and less as they get older. Idk though


  • 4.  RE: Kitten sucking on his belly

    Posted 06-06-2019 02:47 PM

    HI Chinchy,

    How is your kitten doing? Watch for redness, swelling or a yellow or green discharge. Take your kitten to a vet if you see any of those problems.


  • 5.  RE: Kitten sucking on his belly

    Posted 06-10-2019 10:19 AM

  • 6.  RE: Kitten sucking on his belly

    Posted 06-07-2019 03:26 PM

    We had a litter of 3 kittens—two females and a male. The litter had been tossed a garbage pail and rescued when they were three days old—no mama to suck on. We bottle-fed them, but the females kept sucking on the boy’s penis. He developed a blockage and two or three surgeries, the last to widen the penis opening. Hope your guys are only sucking on the belly.
