Yes I can add "cats" to my mission, logo and addendum to the bylaws. I am glad I can have an umbrella account for dogs and cats. What is the KISS method? I am probably doing it without knowing it is called KISS but what does that stand for? Yes I don't deal with actual dogs and cats except for only indirectly when I provide behavior services to the community.
The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-21-2025 08:06 AM
From: Mary Murray
Subject: Rebranding a non profit?
Adding felines to your mission is helpful, just make an addition to your mission statement and CYA by adding a new article in your "bylaws" stating so, that way it is CLEAR you are helping both! You don't need separate bank accounts, I just do that for record keeping purposes for myself, your account can be an umbrella for all pets! About the re-branding, its more costly and time consuming......I always stick to the KISS method, the actual pets need more of my time, energy and money, surely, the same for you?
[Mary Murray]
[Founder, CEO and President
[Greene Animal League
[Greeneville, TN
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 11:05 AM
From: Julielani Chang
Subject: Rebranding a non profit?
Hi Mary,
Thank you for your input. Same here, I discovered there are so many community cats in my neighborhood and want to do something about it. I am terrified though of mistaking cats that have owners but live outside from "wild" cats. Anyway I can add cats to my mission and to my logo. I have a question about account. I currently have a separate bank account for my nonprofit which up until now focused on dogs. When you say to have a separate account for cats, do you mean like create a separate account for cats? Can they just be under the nonprofit account? Thanks.
Julielani Chang
The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
Davis CA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-20-2025 08:44 AM
From: Mary Murray
Subject: Rebranding a non profit?
You can ADD to your mission statement about the feline support, you don't have to start all over again! I primarily do dogs as well, I have feral cats as they chose to live here, I just added them ! I also made sure they have their OWN bank account, just in case! I hope this helps! Thank you and Good Luck, Mary Murray, LadywiththeHuskies, PROOF4PETS &
[Mary Murray]
[Founder, CEO and President
[Greene Animal League
[Greeneville, TN
Original Message:
Sent: 01-19-2025 08:43 AM
From: Julielani Chang
Subject: Rebranding a non profit?
Like Linda's organization, we are a small 501-c3 but not a shelter or rescue and do not have animals. We provide behavior services to rescues and private clients so the handling of animals is indirect. We are strictly dogs only but recently decided and leaned toward adding cats. We do not want to be directly involved with TNR but want to support the practice with donations of traps and finding better ways to care of these cats post surgery as well as provide better feeding stations. Can we just add a "cat program" or do we need to go back and change the mission, name and logo? We do not want to go the re-branding route. Thanks for any input.
Julielani Chang
The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
Davis CA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-18-2025 05:55 AM
From: Jenni Ritchie
Subject: Rebranding a non profit?
We didn't change our purpose but we did change our name, and it's a lot of work. paperwork with the state, with the IRS (that took about 11 months to get processed so we could show our EIN was the same for the new name), all social media updated, web site updated, lots of communications to donors, new logos.
Perhaps you could just say you have a temporary focus on cats due to budget limitations....and use that to raise more money for your program. Our organization also funds some spay/neuter and when we run out of budget for the year (inevitable with the demand outpacing supply of funding) we stop and tell people we need to raise more funds to start again.
Jenni Ritchie
Shelter Pet Safety Net
Original Message:
Sent: 01-10-2025 12:09 PM
From: Lynda Nesbitt
Subject: Rebranding a non profit?
Wondering if anyone has had experience with rebranding an existing (for over a decade) 501(c)(3) organization? We currently assist with spay-neuter expenses for both low income pet owners and feral cat caregivers (we are NOT a shelter or rescue and do not handle animals.) Dog surgeries have become so costly we are thinking of rebranding to provide feline surgeries only. If you have rebranded, what were the challenges? I'm concerned that our access to grants may be quite limited if we focus exclusively on one species. Challenges? Advice? Any info will be appreciated!
L.A Nesbitt
Pets In Need Action League
Casa Grande, AZ 85130