Unfortunately, we also found that many kittens didn't like it. The biggest downside for us, though, is that these get really nasty inside, really fast - and they're incredibly difficult to clean, much less sanitize in between litters.
Xena Rivers
Neonatal Foster Recruitment Lead
Austin Pets Alive!
Xena Rivers
Austin Pets Alive!
Original Message:
Sent: 11-04-2021 06:46 AM
From: Verlene Leonardo
Subject: Surro-Kitty Feeders for Neonatals
I tried something similar years ago. I don't know how Mom does it, but infants seem to have trouble staying latched to the nipple. We found that with gadget keeping them attached was impossible. I found that teaching myself to hold two bottles was better. It might be better for older infants.
Verlene Leonardo
Original Message:
Sent: 11-03-2021 01:38 PM
From: Marissa Johnston
Subject: Surro-Kitty Feeders for Neonatals
This product recently peeked our interest but we don't know much about it's pro/cons and practical use for neonatal kittens in a municipal shelter environment.
Does anyone have any experience or feedback with these?
It says it's compatible with miracle nipples which is a product we love.
Thanks in advance!
Marissa Johnston
Harris County Pets