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What's Better Non-Profit VS. For Profit

  • 1.  What's Better Non-Profit VS. For Profit

    Posted 08-11-2022 06:52 AM
    Hello Everyone,

     I wanted to start this thread to get everyone's thoughts on and views on this topic. Do you think that people who work for organizations that are for profit and do not  provide free services can still help animals and people?  I ask this question because In my animal welfare career I have often heard that if you want to make a real difference and if you truly want to help the animals you have to work in the shelter or for a non profit. 

    For such a long time  I felt so guilty about even having the thoughts  of leaving the non-profit/shelter world because I guess I was always made to feel that was the only way to make a real difference in the lives of animals and the clients on the other end of the leash. 

    I have come to realize that working for a for profit company now that there are so many ways to help animals and clients that doesn't always involve giving them free services.  I have come to realize that compassion, caring, understanding and empathy are the key tools needed to help the animals and people that we serve. It doesn't matter WHERE you work but what matters is HOW you work. Are you showing compassion and empathy when dealing with clients that may not have all the knowledge needed for whatever situation they may be faced with. Are you empathizing with the client that may need services but may not have all the resources, and you showing that person kindness and help instead if making them feel judged.   I asked this question because I now wonder if the use of the word " Non-Profit " in animal welfare is used just as an excuse to not pay employees a wage that they can survive on. 

     All the work that we do is important no matter what type of organization you work for.  It takes special people to love and care for animals the way that we do and it takes strong, dedicated people to continue to do it everyday. 

     I'd love to know what you all think about this.

    Marissa Reid
    Assistant Practice Manager
    Blue Pearl Specialty and Emergency Pet Hospital

    Access To Care Specialist
    Clinic Management Specialist