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Change Management webcast with Dr. Cristie Kamiya - your questions answered!

  • 1.  Change Management webcast with Dr. Cristie Kamiya - your questions answered!

    Posted 10-25-2019 02:49 PM
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     Dr. Kamiya just sent us her responses to several unanswered questions we got during the webcast on October 9. Thanks, Dr. Kamiya, and to all of you for watching!

    Missed the webcast? You can watch it here:

    1.  Is it possible to get a copy of your parvo protocol? 
    Yes - the document is attached to this post. I left it in word form so it’s easier to edit.



    2. How would we manage the itty bitty detail questions, when no data exists comparatively?  What would you suggest? 
    If there are no data (as in lacking peer reviewed studies, etc.), anecdotes, experiences of other shelters, etc. can be utilized. If none exists at all, this could be an opportunity to experiment by creating a “pilot project” designed in such a way that data can be collected over a preset period of time and analyzed at the end of the trial.



    3. We are a municipality with an intake at almost 3 times your size, with a staff of about 70 people.  Where do you see to build upon a way to make change management when many of those staff have been here for years and under duress of euthanizing 80% of the animals.  We have since made some changes with the euth process, but the OLD GUARD is still very hesitant and are the "resistors".  Any suggestions? 
    A lot of patience, listening/communicating, and meaningful data goes a long way. Do you know whose minds you need to change and convince that there is a better way? Is there a way for you to understand what their reluctance is? Can you spend the time with them to understand where they’re coming from? Is it budget? Is it the fear more work? Is it public perception? What is their disagreement? Can you then use the information learned to, after acknowledging their perspective, provide data or other information that they can resonate with, and would demonstrate why an alternative way of doing things might/could be a viable option?