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  • 1.  Volunteer Committee

    Posted 11-12-2023 09:48 AM

    Hi everyone!

    I am looking to begin a Volunteer Committee in January.  I am hoping to get any insight or advice you may have. What has worked/not worked for you?  What are the expectations of your committee? How is it structured? Any info you are willing to share! 

    I am thinking a small, mixed group of volunteers would be best (we are a small facility). I am also thinking an application would need to be submitted, so that staff would have the final say. Other than that, I am just beginning the process of figuring it all out.

    I appreciate any help you may offer! 


    Brittany Fie
    Volunteer Coordinator
    Chesapeake Humane Society

  • 2.  RE: Volunteer Committee

    Posted 11-13-2023 08:28 AM

    I created a Volunteer Advisory Committee.  I'm posting some info here, including the initial charter of the group, the email we sent to prospects, and minutes from our first meeting.   We were meeting monthly pre-covid, and then quarterly once we started up again.  We've changed staff, and are now hoping to reenergize the team and get back to meeting regularly.

    • PURPOSE: The Volunteer Advisory Committee is responsible for assisting CAP in attracting, securing and
      retaining volunteers and ensuring that the volunteer experience aligns with expectations as defined in
      the Volunteer Handbook, and ensuring their continuous involvement, development and engagement.
    • Minimum of quarterly committee meetings.
    • Staff Liaison: Volunteer Coordinator and Member of Executive Management (rotating)
    • Members: Volunteer Representatives from Clinic, Shelter, Outreach, Special Events, Mentors, Fosters
    • Deliverables:
      -Review & offer recommendations for revisions to Volunteer Handbook.
      -Provide feedback and any suggestions for improvement in overall volunteer experience.
      -Volunteer engagement/recognition: Review of current approach, recommendations for
      improvement. Assist in implementing engagement/recognition ideas.

    Here's the initial email we sent to prospects: 

    In an effort to better serve our volunteer community and those who visit our shelter daily, CAP is establishing a Volunteer Advisory Committee to assist in attracting, securing and retaining volunteers, while ensuring their continuous involvement, development and engagement. 

     We would like to extend an invitation to you to join the Advisory Committee as a volunteer representative. There will be a minimum of quarterly meetings that will consist of reviews and recommendations for revisions to the Volunteer Handbook, providing feedback and suggestions for improving the overall volunteer experience, and creating plans and timelines for implementing ideas.

     Committee members will include myself, a member of Executive Management (rotating), and selected volunteer representatives from each area of the shelter and clinic. We hope you consider joining us in our efforts to help grow and improve the Volunteer Program as it is key to successfully continuing our mission here at CAP.

     The inaugural meeting of the Volunteer Advisory Committee will be held on (date) at (time).  Please reply to this email and indicate your willingness to participating in this vital new endeavor, and your availability to attend our first meeting.

     Thank you for all you do as a volunteer at CAP.   We know that not all tasks are glamorous, but everything you do is appreciated. The support you offer to the staff and the animals is priceless.  We look forward to enhancing the volunteer experience, with help from those who know the program best.

    Minutes from First Meeting


        Members introduced themselves with their roles and time at CAP.

    New members could be invited in the future if we see the need to expand the committee.

    Purpose and Goals

    ·         Executive Director and Shelter Director discussed the purpose of establishing the Volunteer Advisory Committee and the impact selected members will have voicing the positives and negatives that make up our volunteer community.

    Members were given clarification that we are here to give constructive criticism without negativity, to address and correct existing and past issues/concerns, and to share things that are currently successful in various areas of CAP.

    Volunteer Program

    ·         Lack of communication and execution has been an issue in the past. Members noted seeing positive changes taking place. 

    ·         The orientation process needs restructuring.

    ·         Implementing application fees and background checks was suggested. The ability to set requirements for applicants may eliminate uncommitted registrations from occurring. 

    ·         It was suggested a video showing our volunteers in action be included in orientation and/or our website to give applicants insight of what is expected of them. This idea may decrease the number of no shows and drop outs. 

    Chain of Command; Protocols

    ·         Any matter addressed should only be discussed with authorized CAP personnel handling the situation as per CAP policies and procedures. 

    ·         The outcomes of animals at CAP and the reason behind its confidentiality was explained. Requests for detailed information go to Executive Management.

    ·         The kill/no kill misconception was addressed. How we identify and why was explained. 

    ·         Humane euthanasia has some misconceptions. Protocols we follow were discussed. Anyone asking for information on euthanasia should be directed to Executive Management.


    ·         There is a need for culture change in the interactions of volunteers amongst each other, staff, community service workers and the public.

    ·         There is confusion at times between volunteers and staff. Rotating schedules of both could be the issue.

    ·         Some staff expect volunteers to do specific jobs regularly.

    ·         Staff should be mindful that volunteers are not paid employees and their jobs and schedules can change daily.

    ·         Volunteers are not always acknowledged while at the shelter. We spoke about some possible reasons behind it. Some volunteers feel unappreciated or unwanted. This will be addressed with staff. 

    ·         Perception of volunteers is not always clear and often times are questioned by other volunteers, staff or the public when following proper procedures. Possibly due to ongoing staff changes, volunteers or the public not reading posted signs.

    ·         Members asked if new staff information could be put in the volunteer center. Volunteer Coordinator will take action on this. 

    ·         Not all staff wear name tags. Volunteers questioned why.  Management explained that the work they do (cleaning, animal interaction), doesn't make it feasible, and could even present a dangerous environment.  Admin staff not working directly with animals have name tags or name embroidered on shirt.


    ·         Procedures need to be more visible around shelter, especially in cat area. 

    ·         Some signs are worn or out of date.

    ·         Fire procedures are missing in some areas.  Coordinator will update.

    ·         Sign-in binder needs to be utilized by volunteers in both sides of clinic, along with the Volgistics electronic system. 


    ·         The topic of volunteers receiving acknowledgements was briefly discussed on whether or not it was a necessary gesture. Some felt the pins, etc. were not particularly necessary while others were in favor of the idea. 

    ·         Mentors wearing a certain color t-shirt to be more identifiable from other volunteers was brought up. There are pros and cons that will be discussed in upcoming meetings. 

    Final Notes

    ·         Next meeting scheduled for xxxxx

    ·         Members will gather other topics to discuss at meeting. 

    ·         Coordinator will contact members who were not in attendance to see if they wish to remain on the committee.

    Sandi Mercado
    Shelter or rescue director
    Citizens for Animal Protection

  • 3.  RE: Volunteer Committee

    Posted 11-14-2023 07:57 AM

    Hey Sandi, this is wonderful! Thank you!!

    Brittany Fie
    Volunteer Coordinator
    Chesapeake Humane Society

  • 4.  RE: Volunteer Committee

    Posted 11-15-2023 10:31 AM

    During your first meeting, did you already have a set 'plan' for things to be discussed? Or was it more freeform after the "purpose and goals" discussion?

    Shelby Bundy
    Shelter Manager- Programs
    Longmont Humane Society