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Information for Renters with Pets - Humane Society of the United States 

07-06-2023 04:12 PM

Welcome, pet-owning residents! The Humane Society of the United States knows how important your pet is to you—they’re family. We understand the challenges that can occur when renting with pets. Tragically, housing problems are some of the main reasons that pets are given up to animal shelters.

Many landlords are understandably nervous about renting to pet owners. After all, there are people who allow their pets to damage property, disturb neighbors and generally give pet-owning renters a bad name. But as it turns out, these tenants are the exception. It is vital for landlords to see that the overwhelming majority of pet owners are respectful of rental property and ensure their pets never become a nuisance—renters just like you!

Use the resources on these pages to show prospective landlords that you and your pet are exactly the kind of renters they want living on their property. And if you’ve done all you can to be a great pet-owning renter but still encounter problems, this information can help you diffuse conflict with your landlord while keeping your family intact.

Please note: When dealing with any landlord-tenant issue, seek professional legal assistance. The materials provided here are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.


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