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  • 1.  The Value of Pets to Public and Private Health and Well-Being

    Posted 08-21-2024 07:15 AM
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    In honor of National Wellness Month have you read this article, "The Value of Pets to Public and Private Health and Well-Being"?

    Overall, the research finds that pets benefit human health, although the available evidence is inconsistent. The research on dog ownership and physical activity offers the clearest benefits. These studies also received the highest scores for methodological rigor. The exercise provided by dog walking provides cardiovascular and other health benefits. Moreover, dog walking offers opportunities to build social support through interactions with other dog walkers, and the combination of pet ownership and social support appears to mediate depression and stress.

    Please share your thoughts or examples you have experienced. 

    T' Fisher, Director of Operations
    Program for Pet Health Equity


  • 2.  RE: The Value of Pets to Public and Private Health and Well-Being

    Posted 08-23-2024 01:58 PM

    I would be curious to see the results of studies that examine other reasons why pet parents are not walking their dogs. Another interest of mine is urban planning and city infostructure, which can have a big impact on how humans and pets are able to get their daily exercise. Unfortunately, factors such as a lack of sidewalks and dangerous multi-laned streets can really create an unsafe environment for going on dog walks. Although I had have lived in an area with those conditions, the neighborhood did have their own dedicated dog walk and dog park for residents, luckily enough.

    Kayla Anderson
    Veterinary Social Worker
    Program for Pet Health Equity