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 Home Site Visit Check-off List

Jeanette Hanneman's profile image
Jeanette Hanneman posted 05-12-2022 09:38 AM

We are developing a home site visit check-off list for canine and feline fosters.  I wonder if any of you have a check-off list(?) you like and would be willing to share?  Any other home site visit recomendations are most welcome!

Thank you for all you do,
Jeanette Hanneman

Jeanette Hanneman, RVT
Center Manager
Eastern Madera County S.P.C.A.
Tracy Hanson's profile image
Tracy Hanson
For our home visits check list we do a landlord check for those renting i.e. apartments to ensure they're allowed to have a cat/ more than one. 
Since covid and if a distance away from foster, we've been doing virtual visits of a simple tour of the home to ensure the environment is safe for a pet. This also offers an opportunity for the potential adopters to show off their set up for a new feline and to ask any questions they may have.
We also require that any owned pets be current on needed vaccinations to ensure the health of them and a new feline. 
We've only ever had a little bit of push back on these requirements from 1 person in our 7 years of being a rescue organization. Hope this helps!
Debra Azzato's profile image
Debra Azzato
Hi Jeannette,
My Foster situation is a bit different than yours because we are in the planning stages and focus on Pet Trust Pets but I can share our home-site evaluation ideas with you. Our Fosters actually evaluate the Caretaker providing the full-time forever home. I'm in the process of creating a quick checklist in two parts. What the evaluator "sees" and then what the evaluator "hears" in talking with the Caretaker or is shown by them. For example, the evaluator sees the pet beds, the food bowls, the safety and cleanliness of the environment, the appearance of the animal but the Caretaker has to show how they are brushing the teeth, what type of litter they have, that there is stock of food or treats,  they go to the dog park, that they are following the agreement, etc. (still a work in progress)  Then there will be a place for evaluator comments, for the Foster to sign and respond, and for an authorized staff member to review and respond to the comment.  I'm using my background in education to create the format. I don't have a working copy yet that I can share but I hope this helps in some way.  Good luck with your endeavors! 
Debra Azzato
Lisa Shaw's profile image
Lisa Shaw

I'd also ask if the fosters even have pets of their own. If not,  so the questions would be very different to ask is how much are they aware of what is needed to foster. Do they, or can they get bowls, provide plenty of drinking water, provide a bed and so on?

First time fosters with no pets  may need more information what is needed, if they qualify.

The organization I foster for provides the food, and medications if necessary (if the cat or dog needs it), as well as materials for kittens that may need be fed frequently.

The check list may be different for those who don't have pets of their own, or have small animal pets like guinea pigs in cages. Foster cats or dogs may be too interested in hunting smal animals, so that has to be kept separate.

Just pointing that out. Something to consider.