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Tips for new pet bloggers!

  • 1.  Tips for new pet bloggers!

    Posted 08-15-2020 12:53 AM


    I read this post where Djangobrand and Dogowner shares their best tips for new pet bloggers.
    I just started my own pet blog and figured it might be relevant to others.

    Even though the tips are primarily aimed towards dog blogs, I think they work for any kind pf pet blog!

    Here are the tips for the lazy ones 

    We (Steph and Mike) launched Django Dog Blog in late 2016 before launching DJANGO, a travel and adventure dog gear company. At the time, we were living and working remotely in Portland, Oregon with our long-haired dachshund Django (@djangothegent on Instagram). Every weekend we’d leave the city and go hiking and camping throughout the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia. In mid 2017, we took Django on our honeymoon to Europe.

    All of these travels and adventures with our adventure dog inspired us to launch Django Dog Blog and focus our content largely on pet travel and adventure. In the past few years, we’ve also expanded our content to cover important dog health topics and high-quality product finds. With every Django Dog Blog article, we aim to answer important questions we ourselves have had as loving dog owners who take their four-legged family everywhere”

    “Try and find a niche within a huge topic and drill down for some of the less competitive areas not covered by the big players in the niche. At least do this until your site matures and gains plenty of visibility. You can then move into more competitive topics.”

    “Write about important, interesting, and relevant content. Pour your personality into every article. Personality is what makes you unique and special. It’s what will help your content stand out from the pack. Lastly, share personal content when relevant – something your readers can relate to and emotionally connect with. Your audience will love getting to know you through your writing.”

    “We have other blogs and Ecom stores so we had some experience with themes and plugins and an insight into what works and what doesn’t. We do our own in-house design and setup.

    “… we built Django Dog Blog ourselves over the past few years. Since the dog blog is part of our dog gear company’s website,, we use Shopify’s blog platform. We upgraded to a theme by Out of the Sandbox to give our website and blog a more custom look.”

    “The majority of traffic is free, organic search traffic achieved through SEO”

    “We promote Django Dog Blog content immediately after the article goes live, sharing it with our 120k+ friends and followers via Instagram and Facebook and also linking to the article on our @djangobrand Pinterest page. Additionally, we send out certain articles to our email audience – this includes our DJANGO customers, social media friends, and other followers of our content. Lastly, we link each Django Dog Blog article to other relevant and popular articles that are already live on our website. This immediately increases the new article’s visibility and boosts overall reach and results.”

    Have a great summer!

