Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  New Mexico Humane Conference: Virtual & Free!

    Posted 07-15-2020 10:41 AM

    Our goal is to #NeverStopLearning, so we're excited to share that this year our annual local conference, the New Mexico Humane Conference, is going virtual!

    And, with this new platform, we're excited to be joined by anyone from across the country looking for new opportunities for education in animal welfare topics!

    Join us August 6 - August 8 for three days of amazing speakers and sessions. 

    Best of all: registration for this year is free!

    Learn more and register on the NMHC webiste:


  • 2.  RE: New Mexico Humane Conference: Virtual & Free!

    Posted 07-16-2020 09:39 AM

    It's fabulous that you are offering this at no charge! The topics look very interesting. I can't wait to attend (virtually). Thank you for being so generous and for making this accessible to anyone.


  • 3.  RE: New Mexico Humane Conference: Virtual & Free!

    Posted 07-16-2020 12:09 PM

    Will you be addressing the issue of the feral cats being T-N-R'd and released back to their location after 24 hours of spay/neuter?  I see Roswell NM posts all the time and they put them down.  No TNR program in place.


  • 4.  RE: New Mexico Humane Conference: Virtual & Free!

    Posted 07-17-2020 07:47 AM

    We are not doing a TNR-specific session this year (although we have in the past and will again in the future). TNR will be discussed in a few other sessions, though, as the right approach to managing community cats. There will also be discussions of how to implement lifesaving programs in underfunded/understaffed facilities, which is a huge reality in our state. Invitations are sent out state-wide every year, but not all orgs can or do attend, and this year's event might not be on their radar since they usually cannot come. So, please do feel free to share with them that it is free and virtual, in case that helps encourage them to check it out. 


  • 5.  RE: New Mexico Humane Conference: Virtual & Free!

    Posted 08-03-2020 08:09 AM

    Registered! Thank you for hosting this! <3
