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2 year old labrador in pain

  • 1.  2 year old labrador in pain

    Posted 01-21-2020 05:30 PM

    My sweet boy , 2 year old black labrador, was playing ball in October and while running for the ball fell to ground and howled.

    I got him, "Hank" into his vet. Conservative care and xrays were done, with the diagnosis of a ruptured or torn ACL. The treatment was medicine for pain, inflammation and sedative. This helped tremendously. The doctor said if he needed surgery it would cost up to and possibly higher to the tune of $3800. Not counting medications, and physical therapy. Hank did well up until this month. January, he began limping or not using the back left leg and the pain was back worse than before. Today his veterinarian put him back on meds and told me to see if I can find any assistance with the surgery needed. She also told me to contact Purdue to see their prices that she would refer to any othe doctor that could do the surgery for less than her.

    However, the doctor also said that we could try , Stem Cell and it may help to heal. With no guarantee, just like his surgery could only be a 50/50 chance of helping.

    My questions are,

    Has anyone had to do this surgery on a lab with an abundance of energy? If so, how was the outcome?

    Has anyone heard of Stem cell replacement for such a bad injury on a dog?

    Does anyone know who might be able to help with these costs as I am on SSDI and work only 20 hours a week.

    Any suggestions on helping my baby boy Hank with all concerns ?

    Does Purdue offer low cost care?

    Any ideas, suggestions, and help would be appreciated. My boy is still considered a puppy and I have spent 3 days crying for him I have thought about adopting him to a family that would sign contract to do surgery immediately, I wondered if he is suffering more than living, if he should possibly have an amputation, etc etc. I hate seeing him like this and feel like a terrible person by not being able to hand $3800 to the doctor . He is a beautiful boy with so much energy and playful. He gives me hugs all the time and still wants to run , but cannot because the pain is way worse. I love him he is my child and I hate watching him not be able to do puppy things. Yet even after surgery they can only say there is a 50/50 chance it would work. Please any type of advice or suggestions . Thank you

