I really love having kid-specific education programs or volunteer opportunities! For me, that's mostly been something like having Scout troops come visit for a volunteer afternoon, or a short "kids' camp" during the summer, etc... things that engage the kids, but are pretty much supervised by staff the whole time.
I am, in theory, such a fan of including kids in rescue because it's excellent learning opportunities for them, and I think encouraging them to get involved in their communities early on is incredible!!! ....But I also think there's liability issues with the 'regular' volunteer shifts (where they aren't supervised, except for their parent -maybe). One of my previous shelters went above and beyond to allow younger kids to volunteer normally - using green, yellow, or red "stop-n-go" signs to indicate kid-friendly cats and dogs (green being "go" for kids). It turned into a bunch of bite quarantines that shouldn't have happened... and then a roomful of yellow signs and fielding SO many complaints from parents because there was only one or two cats their 11 year old could pet