Thank you for your reply! Absolutely, having a system that identifies behaviours that can be modified in shelter is a good first step. One idea we had is to breakdown behaviour modification plans by minutes per day; how much time should be dedicated to each dog per day, according to the Bmod program they fall under. And ideally, to have two shorter training sessions per day (vs one longer training session) per dog. When each dog enters the Bmod program, we can allocate mins/day into a spreadsheet. Then, we can cross reference this with mins per day that our behaviour team has. The goal is to not exceed idea mins/day/dog and total staff mins - as our behaviour team also needs to dedicate time each day to completing paperwork, assisting adoptions, etc. Of course, these time allocations are approximate; time per day may differ in reality, but were hoping to use it as a guide.
A robust foster team - that's the plan!
Just wondering if anyone has developed a formal system for this already!