Yes, vet care prices are often something that separates people from their pets... I'm lucky enough to live in a country where veterinary clinics work for affordable prices for most of the population, but that can still hurt people with limited income. We work with the local veterinary medicine school in order to provide cheaper healthcare for pets (they're inspected and cared for by students of vet universities instead of "actual" vets), but that's a stop-gap measure, and not an actual solution.
Still, I think that the actual solution would require deep social changes that are far out of reach for us pet care professionals...
Olivier Vandebroucke
IP Olivier Vandebroucke
Original Message:
Sent: 06-02-2021 09:27 AM
From: Amber Freiwald
Subject: Access to Care: 3 options to think about for your organization(s)
3 medical programs to keep pets with people
Dogs and cats are often surrendered due to medical costs. Here are three ways shelters can help.
Check out:
Three Medical Programs to Keep Pets with People | HASS
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| Three Medical Programs to Keep Pets with People | HASS | In today's world with so much uncertainty humans hold close the things that ground us, family, friendship, hobbies, and for so many, our animal companions. In fact, more than half of Americans think of their pets as family. We love our pets, and when they need help or medical attention, we want to be able [...] | View this on HASS > |
...Three solutions that shelters can implement to help the people in their communities keep their pets:
keeping families together
Amber Freiwald
Maddie's Fund