Okay! I'm not sure how they created the Facebook page, I became a board member back in July and am over social media relations! I've been involved in our rescue prior to that!
I didn't even think about trying to make them on Instagram! We do have an Instagram page so I'll try it that way! Thank you!
I did try Uninstalling Facebook and downloading again to see if that helped from a prior comment which it didn't, but would make sense if our Facebook page isn't registered as like my personal account would be!
Thanks for everyone's suggestions so far I'm willing to try everything and anything!
Tracy Hanson
Ellie's Legacy Pet Rescue
Original Message:
Sent: 03-10-2022 08:47 AM
From: Kelly Duer
Subject: Facebook Reels Help!!
It also might be the type of org. that you registered as on Facebook. On Instagram, if you have a "creator" account, they give you a LOT more options with Reels.
Kelly Duer
Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 03-09-2022 07:11 AM
From: Tracy Hanson
Subject: Facebook Reels Help!!
Not sure where to ask this question but it's in regards to social media. Our rescue would like to start using Facebook reels, another Rescue in our state does them and is having huge success with gaining publicity. My question is that on our rescue Facebook page, we don't have the reels option but the other rescue does. I've tried searching on the internet on how to get the reels button added to our page and have come up empty handed. I even asked the other rescue and she's not sure why we don't have that option as well. Does anyone know how to get it added to our page or can direct me in the direction to figuring it out!?! Thanks in advance!!
Tracy Hanson
Ellie's Legacy Pet Rescue