For larger reactive dogs who aren't too reactive (
the ones who are equally happy to follow the lead of calm, confident humans when they're around), we tie them to the basket of an adult trike that we take to adoptathons. The trike ensures that these dogs aren't approached head-on by people or dogs that make them uneasy, and it gives us a wonderful tool that can get them moving (
not only to exercise them around the parking lot and show off their skills, but even more importantly, to move them psychologically into better moments when they're reacting negatively to things, animals, people and events not really worth the tizzy).
For smaller reactive dogs, we give them little ways to "show off" and be rewarded, such as sitting on a face cloth or hopping up on a small platform as substitute behaviors to getting reactive. It really helps turn these little guys around and give them confidence.
In both cases, these dogs wear vests that request a little extra personal space from everyone, like these: most important thing to know when working with reactive dogs is this: their reactivity is
situational. Change certain aspects of the situation, and you set everyone up for success instead of failure. React negatively (
as opposed to calmly and matter-of-factly) to a dog's reactivity, and he is calling all the shots and you are the one who is following his lead.
I'm presently working on the sound edits for the presentation, "
K9 Behavior SKILL-building: Turning Reactive! into Relaxed." I'll let you know when it is finished and uploaded to YouTube. In the meantime, the book mentioned on the website may be of help to you.
Lynne Swanson
Safe Harbor Farm K9
Original Message:
Sent: 05-06-2022 11:17 AM
From: kristin gee
Subject: marketing reactive dogs for adoption?
I volunteer with a foster-based rescue that has several reactive dogs. We do not have a facility.
We can't take these dogs to adoption events, and even taking them on walks in an "adopt me" bandana is iffy. We try to share photos and videos of them on social media, but nothing seems to grab adopters quite as much as seeing them in person.
Hoping some of you might have some other tips for ways to help get these dogs seen? They are sweet dogs, as long as there isn't another dog in their sightlines. People seem to get scared off when they hear "no other dogs" or "reactivity".
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
kristin gee
foster coordinator