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Candid Conversation with Ariel Zhang and Mary Ippoliti-Smith on April 27 @ 12n PT / 3pm ET

  • 1.  Candid Conversation with Ariel Zhang and Mary Ippoliti-Smith on April 27 @ 12n PT / 3pm ET

    Posted 04-06-2021 09:59 AM
    Ariel Zhang with her adopted dog Cricket

    Recording Now Available!
    Join Maddie's Fund for an open, informal 30-minute conversation and Q+A with @Ariel Zhang, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Animal Foundation. Hosting the talk is @Mary Ippoliti-Smith, one of Maddie's Fund's executive leadership team members.

    About Ariel: As a young immigrant who moved across multiple continents and countries, Ariel watched her parents work hard to start something better for their family. They had no roots or connections in the US but that made Ariel recognize, in her words, a "world of opportunities." But those came at a steep price - one that forged Ariel's determined drive for compassion among humans and animals.


    Come away inspired to promote lifesaving by engaging your local community through global language. Afterwards, continue the conversation with Ariel right here on Maddie's Pet Forum. Ariel will be monitoring this post for the next couple of weeks so please leave your questions or comments here!


    alison gibson

  • 2.  RE: Candid Conversation with Ariel Zhang and Mary Ippoliti-Smith on April 27 @ 12n PT / 3pm ET

    Posted 04-06-2021 12:48 PM
    Thank you to Maddie's for starting the Crucial Conversation series and having me to speak! Looking forward to the dialogue to come.

    Ariel Zhang
    The Animal Foudation

  • 3.  RE: Candid Conversation with Ariel Zhang and Mary Ippoliti-Smith on April 27 @ 12n PT / 3pm ET

    Posted 04-27-2021 01:05 PM
    I just wanted to say thank you again to @Ariel Zhang for having the courage to speak up and share your story! On that morning call when you spoke up about the increase in violence against Asian-Americans, you said some comment about feeling invisible and I felt that in my soul because that's such a recurring feeling for me. I was half asleep that morning and didn't expect to be in tears on one of our usual animal welfare zoom calls but there I was! There are so many points you made in the video today and later talking with Mary that I was over here snapping and nodding my head in complete agreement with.

    One thing that sticks out to me is you said that in asian culture, we're so used to "being silent and working hard" because that's what our parents taught us.  I grew up in California with my Filipino mother and my Puerto Rican father. With my dad being in the Navy and on deployment all the time, my mom was the one running the show and had to learn how to adapt to life in the States. I can think of so many instances where my Mom had me on the phone at a young age, calling to order pizza because she was embarrassed of her accent and how people would treat her. And so many instances in my adult life where I've been straight up disrespected because of my height or my ethnicity or legit once an employer said to me "you and your asian-ness" and I just said nothing. Finding the courage to speak up and use my voice has always been a challenge after being raised to stay quiet and don't challenge authority. Any tips or advice for when/how to address those moments? 

    Charlotte Otero
    Community Strategist at Maddie's Fund

  • 4.  RE: Candid Conversation with Ariel Zhang and Mary Ippoliti-Smith on April 27 @ 12n PT / 3pm ET

    Posted 04-27-2021 01:32 PM
    Hi Charlotte! First of all, thank you so much for your words. I also grew up on a family where I took on responsibilities early because my parents and grandparents were embarrassed of their accent or even just their lack of understanding of western norms.

    I want to acknowledge that not everyone is in a position of privilege where they can speak out even if they want to. It's hard to push back on an employer because those power dynamics are certainly not equal. However, if you do want to and can speak out, I'd encourage you to find those that will empower you to do so. Even when I wrote the message to Mary, the call ended at 9am and it took me until 2pm to click send. I talked it over with my husband and went back and forth on whether to push the send button because there were repercussions of my presence in animal welfare had Mary not reacted so graciously.

    I'd re