At Memphis Animal Services,
#ThankstoMaddie, we have a new Pet Reunification Specialist position!
@Alex Eley, who has been with us in customer care roles for about 2 years, has taken on this new position to try to improve our RTH rate, which is about 8-10% for dogs and 1-2% for cats. She will spend her first few weeks learning and talking with other shelters about what they do that works. I'm hoping to crowdsource some resources for her!
1. Does your shelter have a full-time or part-time role dedicated to this? If so, it would be helpful for us to see the job description and for Alex to virtually meet with this person to learn more about their day-to-day. Can you email it to
alexandra.goodwin@memphistn.gov or drop your email below if you want her to email to request it?
2. Has your shelter improved RTH rates, whether you have staff dedicated to this or not? Would someone be willing to meet with Alex to talk about the game-changing tactics that helped the most?
3. Do you have a lost/found reporting system that you think works very well? We want to learn about it!
Please drop any thoughts you have in the comments! Thanks!
Katie Pemberton
Community Engagement Specialist
Memphis Animal Services