Behavior, Training, Enrichment (BTE) Bootcamp for Shelters -applications close 2/18/22
Bootcamp starts 2/28/22.
In this Bootcamp we'll dive deep into all the ways that Behavior, Training, and Enrichment programs impact shelters and the animals in them. We'll cover current best practices and innovations going on in our industry and prepare to assess how things are going for you and what changes you might want to make.
This immersive and coach-guided course will do more than help you identify new ways to improve animal welfare and wellness. It will also get you started making those improvements in less than 2 months (and your coaches will continue to support you on an ongoing basis once Bootcamp is over).
- Fear, anxiety and stress (FAS) in sheltering.
- How humane handling, positive reinforcement training, appropriate housing, enrichment, playgroups, training, and behavior modification can minimize the impact of FAS on animals in shelters.
- The importance of appropriate staff and volunteer training in BTE.
- What Capacity for Care (C4C) is all about and the importance of minimizing shelter length of stay (LOS).
- Assessing animals for most appropriate outcomes, pathway planning, daily rounds, and decision-making.
- Post-adoption support and post-outcome follow-up.
- The importance of well-developed and evolving policies, protocols, work orders, and work aids in implementing and maintaining a shelter BTE program.
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program – Maddie's® Million Pet Challenge Director of Online Learning Cindi Delany, DVM, KPA-CPT, developed this brand new Bootcamp. This Bootcamp's goal is to help your shelter team review current best practices and innovations in the Behavior, Training, and Enrichment (BTE) space, then assess your own operations and programs and begin implementing changes to level up what you are doing and how you are doing it.
By the end of this Bootcamp you will have assessed your own shelter and started implementing the things that will get your programs to the next level by:
- Evaluating your own shelter and identifying gaps in programming, policy or practice.
- Developing a priority list and action plan for improving BTE operations.
- Working with subject matter expert coaches during and after Bootcamp to implement your action plans.
- Beginning the process of making change-based on your goals and supported by your coaches and fellow Bootcampers.
- Identifying additional resources needed to improve your BTE operations.
- And, you'll have the opportunity to pursue grant funding to assist in making these improvements.
For more information - CLICK HERE and fill in the Interest Form at the bottom of the page.
Enrollment is limited so that your coaches can help you dive deep into problem-solving at your own shelter.
APPLY NOW - Application Deadline is 2/18/22 - but don't wait - we expect this Bootcamp to fill up quickly.
If you don't make it in we'll put you on a waiting list for our next session.
Cindi Delany, DVM, KPA-CTP
Director of Online Learning
Maddie's®️ Million Pet Challenge
UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program