I love this succinct finding:
FeLV-positive cats do not necessarily need to be euthanized, as 57.8% of confirmed FeLV-positive cats in the study were healthy on admission, and most (83.3%) were still alive at the end of the study. These cats can be adopted with proper pet owner education and counseling.------------------------------
Thank you all for all you do!
Amber Freiwald
Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 08-09-2021 07:22 AM
From: Monica Frenden
Subject: Are you adopting out FeLV+ cats yet? Barriers? Recent study on FeLV outcomes
On Clinician's Brief today, a summary of a study on the outcomes of FeLV+ cats at Austin Pets Alive.
Adopt Me! I Have FeLV! A recent study looked at outcomes for these special cats.
Are you adopting out FeLV+ cats yet?
If not, what is the barrier?
Monica Frenden
American Pets Alive