Good morning.
We have just removed our mask policy and now allow it up to each individual.
We do have volunteers back onsite (a limited number) and we just started having in-person General Shelter Orientations, again. Our attendance is typically only 2- 5, so we haven't had the need to put a cap on the number.
Both Cattery and K9 Crews have additional hands-on program training.
The Cattery orientation is in-person and limited to 2 volunteers in the Cattery as it's a small space.
The new K9 Crew volunteers are emailed a 45 minute New K9 Volunteer Training PowerPoint that covers all policies, procedures, safety measures, an intro to dog body language, training and equipment ect... There is a brief test at the end which must be completed before scheduling mentored hands-on hours.
These are 1-1 or at most, 2-1 mentored sessions.
We are keeping our volunteer numbers onsite limited for now.
2 per Cattery
3 per K9 Crew, however this will likely increase in the future.
We do allow special volunteer groups to help with outdoor projects and they are scheduled separately.
We have only had 1 outdoor event and no restrictions on the volunteers.
Hope this helps.
Enjoy your day!
ann traynor-plowman
Original Message:
Sent: 03-08-2022 07:47 AM
Subject: Volunteer Trainings Moving Forward
Hi Everyone,
With much of the country lifting COVID restrictions, how are you handling volunteers at the shelter and at events?
Are you conducting in-person trainings again or still using zoom?
If you are holding in-person trainings, are you limiting the amount of attendees and/or social distancing?
Are you requiring masks indoors even if policies in your state/county have been lifted?
Erin Ellis
Community Engagement Director
Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe
Foster Program & Volunteer Management Specialist