Updated 8/13 at 1:40pm: Recording now available. Post has been updated with resources and full agenda.
Agenda - Increasing the need to change how we use our shelter spaces and to re-envision the shelters of the future
• Welcome – Kristen Hassen, Director, American Pets Alive!
• Mary's Motivation – QUESTION OF THE WEEK ON Maddie’s Pet Forum:
“What changes has your organization made to be more inclusive?” - https://bit.ly/37FDgyt
• Joe Elmore, Charleston Animal Society and Shelly Simmons, Greenville Animal Care – coalition to address South Carolina animal shelters’ statewide state of emergency
• Heather Lewis, AIA, NCARB, AAA, Principal, Animal Arts Design Studios, HASS Building and Facility group leader
• Aimee Sadler, Founder & CEO, Dogs Playing for Life - reduce behavioral decline and improve safety and outcomes
• Mike Wheeler, Director of Animal Services, Cabot Animal Services - plans for the newly-approved community pet resource center; taxpayer approval and lessons learned
List of resources referenced during today’s call
• QUESTION OF THE WEEK ON Maddie’s Pet Forum: “What changes has your organization made to be more inclusive?”
• How to Combat Zoom Fatigue - https://hbr.org/2020/04/how-to-combat-zoom-fatigue
• South Carolina animal shelters’ statewide state of emergency - https://www.wyff4.com/article/south-carolina-shelters-declare-a-state-of-emergency-launches-emergency-rescue-operation-officials-say/37285803#
• Abigail Appleton https://nokillsouthcarolina.org/
• Press Release re coalition https://charlestonanimalsociety.org/27602-2/
• The AAWA http://blog.theaawa.org/39-things-your-shelter-can-do-right-now-to-reunite-lost-pets/
• Aimee Sadler, Founder & CEO, Dogs Playing for Life - aimee@dpfl.org 303-775-5491
• Dr. Sheila Segurson’s Trauma, Stress and Dog Behavior presentation: https://forum.maddiesfund.org/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?GroupId=205&MessageKey=7140c251-020b-4a2a-8e32-ba03e9eab37b&CommunityKey=afce7f7a-fd5a-431e-9f2a-aaedc46a03d6&tab=digestviewer
• Lynne Swanson, tel 252 422 0943 : Anyone who wants some help constructing easy to use and easy to clean kennel barriers can call me for help. Same with helping staff & volunteers to hold their leashes with less tension. Check out https://www.givesmiles.us/
for a good reference for staff, foster homes, volunteers and new adopters.
• Heather Lewis, AIA, NCARB, AAA, Principal, Animal Arts Design Studios, HASS Building and Facility group leader
• Dog housing in circular formation - https://www.usatoday.com/picture-gallery/news/world/2018/12/27/animal-animal-shelter-berlin-europes-largesthelter-berlin-europes-largest/2420551002/
• Heather’s presentation about shelters of the future: https://forum.maddiesfund.org/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?GroupId=205&MessageKey=89abc859-5d43-41eb-ab57-516e6fb2ce6a&CommunityKey=afce7f7a-fd5a-431e-9f2a-aaedc46a03d6&tab=digestviewer
• 11 Elements of HASS - https://www.humananimalsupportservices.org/about/elements-of-hass/
• PetCoLove Grants - https://petcolove.org/data-saves-lives/
• Apply for grants here: petcolove.fluxx.io
• SICSA Safe Pets Apprenticeship - deadline to apply is Friday, August 20th https://sicsa.org/sicsa-safe-pets-apprenticeship
• Best Friends Rachael Ray Foundation STA & NKE cycle open now through September 3rd - https://network.bestfriends.org/opportunities/best-friends-partner-exclusives/rachael-ray-grants-2022
• Ontario Vet College kitten foster survey: Shareable link on our lab Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OVC-Companion-Animal-Behaviour-and-Welfare-Lab-942402815800631/
• Ontario Vet College kitten foster survey shareable tweet:https://twitter.com/courtneyandcats/status/1417926098436845568?s=20
• Animal Care Expo 2022 in Orlando, Florida. Today is the last day to submit a session proposal - the form closes at 5pm ET.https://humanepro.org/expo/session-submission-faq
• Humane Canada’s Violence Link Conference is virtual and being held November 4 & 5 - currently there is a 25% off flash sale on registrations! https://humanecanada.swoogo.com/cjsr/1253225
• Webinar: Trap giveaway! Bingo! From your friends at Million Cat Challenge - Language That Harms Cats, August 18, 2021 at 3 pm ET (12 pm PT)
• Speakers: Monica Frenden-Tarant, Danielle Bays, Dr. Julie Levy
• Register for the webinar, find the Bingo cards, enter the trap giveaway contest, and continue the dialog on Maddie's Pet Forum here: https://bit.ly/WebcastLanguageThatHarmsCats
------ Original Post ---------
We are looking forward to seeing all of you on our Friday Animal Welfare Leadership Round Up call tomorrow. In July, we had a record 1,400 people register for the Friday call and thanks to you and our partners, these calls are growing every month!
In case you have not heard, South Carolina animal shelters declared a statewide state of emergency. We'll hear about how they decided to make this declaration, what they're doing, and how they're communicating about it.
This week, we'll be talking about the increasing need to change how we use our shelter spaces and to re-envision the shelters of the future. This is part two of our conversation with
Heather Lewis of Animal Arts. She'll be co-facilitating this meeting and helping to lead the conversation about how we can lay the groundwork for changes now.
We'll also hear from the incomparable
Aimee Sadler of Dogs Playing For Life about how we can change the way we house, handle, and engage with dogs in our shelters in order to reduce behavioral decline and improve safety and outcomes.
Finally, we'll be joined by
Cabot Animal Services Director @Mike Wheeler who will show us the plans for his newly-approved community pet resource center, which is being built to focus on preserving human-animal families. He'll talk about how taxpayers approved this new project, even though they just approved a new shelter in the past six years and the lessons he learned in embarking on this endeavor.
It should be a great call and we have saved plenty of time to hear from you about the ways you're repurposing shelter space or planning to utilize your shelter space in the future!
Charlotte Otero
Community Strategist at Maddie's Fund