2024 Open Arms Challenge

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  • 1.  Additional results of Open Arms Challenge

    Posted 7 days ago

    I wanted to hop on here quickly and let everyone know that Chewy donated a semi-truckload of pet beds to us to be distributed to the entire population (no restrictions).  We are a small rural town and this was a blessing to say the least.   It has been a very exciting 7 days.  (We only got notice of the exact date of shipment 2 days before it arrived!)   The  shipment has arrived, has been unloaded and was distributed yesterday!! Check out our FB page for photos and videos.   

    I'm telling you this not to focus on the Chewy shipment BUT INSTEAD to let you know that because of all our efforts during the Open Arms Challenge in April, we had the names of contacts of several organizations and people in town who we were able to reach out to and get help to unload and distribute this truck.  We only started our organization in January 2024 with the two founders and our we are growing slowly.  HOWEVER, with all the outreach we did during April we had over 40 volunteers show up to help us with this effort.  As I think back about this, this would have been ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE if we had not done all the things we did during the Open Arms Challenge and expanded out outreach to everyone in our community.  It was heartwarming --- and a big "AH HA MOMENT".   Thank you Maddie's Fund -- we would have never done any of it had we not been in the program.  :-)

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 2.  RE: Additional results of Open Arms Challenge

    Posted 6 days ago

    This is absolutely amazing and happy to hear this.  Exciting news!

    Laura Coan
    Novastar Rescue

  • 3.  RE: Additional results of Open Arms Challenge

    Posted 6 days ago

    This is so great! Congratulations! I love how the news station covered it, and your FB photos are precious. Bravo!

    Rita Ortiz
    Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter

  • 4.  RE: Additional results of Open Arms Challenge

    Posted 6 days ago

    Thank you so much for sharing, Karen! We love to hear how efforts started during the Challenges can lead to long term benefits for the organizations involved.  Loved the photos and the news coverage, too!

    Amber Eby
    Grants Specialist
    Maddie's Fund