2024 Open Arms Challenge

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Checking in!

  • 1.  Checking in!

    Posted 04-11-2024 10:34 AM

    How is the Open Arms Challenge going for your organizations? Any wins, lessons learned, challenges to share? Excited to hear how it is going!

    wendy frink
    Marketing Communications Specialist
    Maddie's Fund
    New York NY

  • 2.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-11-2024 12:19 PM

    We, at MatchDog Rescue are getting ready for our WAGS fest, a community event formulated with a local school.  We will be promoting Wellness, Accessibility, Gear and Safety for the children, families, staff and dogs of the school. The team at MatchDog Rescue have been feverishly working on crossing all of the T's and dotting all of the I's. We are excited and looking forward to the event. 

    WAGS fest

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 3.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-24-2024 07:00 AM

    How did the event go? I'd love to see photos. Educating kids is so important - it sounds like an amazing event. 

    Stephanie Rach
    Fundraising Director
    Rocket Dog Rescue

  • 4.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-24-2024 02:12 PM

    Oh thank you Stephanie! Our WAGS fest is Sunday and we can't wait! The countdown is on! I agree about educating children...it's so imperative! We started a PUPS program...it's a free program for schools taught by retired teachers that are volunteers for MatchDog Rescue. It's wonderful as it teaches respect, compassion, and the importance of volunteering. We're going to extend this on to senior citizens next!!

    Molly Keith

    MatchDog Rescue

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 5.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-24-2024 02:33 PM

    I'd love to see the outline for the Pups Program if you're willing to share.

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 6.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-11-2024 06:36 PM

    HUGE WIN YESTERDAY -- Coverage from the local TV station (the next city over -- our town is too small for a TV station) on our effort to reach out to the Hispanic community in our small rural KY county of 27,000.  The 2022 census shows that roughly 3% of our population is Hispanic. We asked the local high school to translate our brochure and the teacher worked with the one exchange student to translate it.  The TV station interviewed the student and us.  And - the TV station mentioned the Maddie's Fund Open Arms Challenge!  Yippee!!  Spayed and Aid of Kentucky expands outreach in Logan County - WNKY News 40 Television

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 7.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-14-2024 12:45 PM

    Update on our Open Arms Challenge journey: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

    Let's start with the positives: if all the animals we have scheduled for spay and neuter qualify-meaning they're healthy enough-we're on track to have spayed/neutered 125 community dogs and cats by the end of the month. This milestone represents a significant step forward in our efforts to curb overpopulation and improve the welfare of animals in our community. This will not only help the people, but we should see an impact to stakeholders at every level of the community, shelters, law enforcement, etc.

    Even more heartening, at least 3 cases involved homes where continuous breeding was perpetuating the cycle of animal overpopulation. These interventions could potentially save countless lives in the long run.

    But here's where it gets tough. Some of the situations we've encountered have been beyond challenging; they've been downright abusive. Imagine being met with hostility and aggression from those who initially seemed supportive, simply because our approach didn't align with their expectations. It's disheartening to face such resistance, especially when we're striving to make a positive impact.

    What's truly shocking is that some of these individuals are the very ones we believed would understand and support our mission as they contacted us about people who needed help. Yet, when faced with the reality of our work, they reacted with hostility and resentment. They wanted us to go in guns a blazing and seize the animals, even though we have no authority to do so.  They had expected us to go in and look at the situation and react with drama instead of a calm approach of help.  

    Navigating these obstacles hasn't been easy. We've had to make difficult decisions, including blocking certain individuals and collaborating closely with law enforcement to ensure our safety and the well-being of the people we are helping, and the animals involved.

    Despite these challenges, we refuse to give up. The need for our work is too great, and the animals we serve depend on us. We'll continue to push forward, advocating for those who can't speak for themselves, and striving to create a community where compassion and understanding prevail. Together, we can overcome even the toughest challenges and make a lasting difference.

    Alexia Gannon
    Master Poop Picker-upper
    Beautiful Hearts Rescue

  • 8.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-25-2024 04:47 AM

    Wow, Alexia...was reading your update . You've had your share of challenges. Keep swimming. You're doing great work! And you're right, the animals depend on you. You're their advocates. And btw I love your title of Master Poop Picker-upper lol! 

    Molly Keith

    MatchDog Rescue

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 9.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-14-2024 02:39 PM

    So far the challenge is going well for us. We have completed one of our goals of creating a Spanish version of our website. We were actually able to translate our website into 8 different languages: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish using a live translation plugin. This allows anyone to instatly switch to a different language on our website to view all the information in their native language.

    We have made significant progress on another goal of holding an adoption event at a local Pet supply store to introduce our organization to the local community. We were approved as a partner for Petco and we are holding our first adoption event on Sunday April  28th.

    While looking at other organization's goals we decided to add a goal of creating a Pet food pantry to help keep people with their pets who are struggling to provide for them. We likely won't complete this goal by the end of this month but we are starting to reach out to local food pantry to establish a relationship with them to help expand their pantry to include pet food. We are working on establishing relationships with local Pet supply and grocery stores to receive food/pet items they plan to throw away. We are also looking into other ways we can help keep people with their pets who are in difficult situations. We often get people reaching out to us to surrender their pets so we want to understand the reasons and try to find innovative ways to increase the chances of keep the pets with their owners.

    Other than that, it has been a very busy month for us. We are a very small and new rescue/shelter/adoption organization that just started in January 2024. We have already received 14 more intakes so far this month, 10 of them are kittens under 2 weeks. We are likely going to receive another 5 kittens tomorrow that are about 4 days old.  We now have over 50 cats total in our care (including our shelters, fosters and long-term residents). We are working on fundraising for expansion projects, we just partnered with CUDDLY to create some fundraising campaigns to help build an additional 750 sq. ft. air-conditioned shelter.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone else's progress and get more ideas!

    Jeffrey Boegli
    Kitty Rescue Corp
    New Port Richey, FL

  • 10.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-15-2024 08:46 AM

    Our FAAS community services team is working hard to put together an awesome half-day Healthy Pets Fair in July, partnering with other local shelters, social services organizations, community groups,  and vets to deliver as many vaccines, flea meds, pet food, and supplies, and  a "chat with a vet" area--- so we an serve as many  as possible in one, fun afternoon. The fair takes our free monthly vaccine clinic to the next level. First, because we are taking it on the road right into the neighborhood that most needs these services breaking down access to care issues we have faced over the past year since we 've been holding clinics at the shelter.  Next, Deja created  an email newsletter and announcements in Spanish and is working with volunteers on getting more translations.  This fair coincides with the Alameda Latin Food & Music Festival in the same outdoor area, so people can enjoy the music and food trucks. We've reached out to some of the food vendors to see if they will offer a $1 special on some items, or give out free samples to people who had their pets vaccinated.  We're excited about this event busting some barriers that we've  been challenged with, and vaccinating as many pets as possible.  Another project we are pursuing is to review our volunteer training and push it beyond just logistics to include discussions and training  about barriers, biases, and communication styles.  It's all very exciting!

    Rita Ortiz
    Community Services Manager
    Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter (FAAS)
    1590 Fortmann Way
    Alameda, CA 94501

    Rita Ortiz
    Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter

  • 11.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-18-2024 06:56 AM

    I love this idea.  Where do you get your vaccines and flea meds?  Can you get them at a discounted price through suppliers as a non-profit?  I was thinking maybe we could run something similar.  We are a pet food pantry and spay/neuter program in conjunction with a local vet -- but are not a shelter or an actual clinic that would have access to those sorts of things.

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 12.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-24-2024 07:04 AM


    This sounds like an incredible event. Rocket Dog Rescue has adopting families in Alameda - please keep me posted as I'll put it in our newsletter. We'd love to promote and support! Cheers, Stephanie

    Stephanie Rach
    Fundraising Director
    Rocket Dog Rescue

  • 13.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-15-2024 09:18 AM

    Hi-This is Bernadette from HEALS. We have helped many people keep their pets because we pay for needed veterinary care. The number 1 reason people surrender, drop off at shelters or rescue groups is due to lack of money. 

    My team created a comprehensive 7 tips to keep people and pets together. We are getting a lot of response from around the country on social media and people are reading  our 7 tips.

    If you could be so kind and go to healspets.org on Facebook look at our post Keeping People and Pets together. If you think the information is valuable can you please share.

    Thank you, Bernadette

    Bernadette Vinci

  • 14.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-21-2024 05:16 AM

    Hi Bernadette! What a great resource for people. I will be heading to your site this morning to read and share! Thank you for this information and for your FB post!!


    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 15.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-15-2024 11:04 AM

    Thank you for the check-in and I enjoy reading everyone's challenge!

    We are getting a great response via social media. 

    Our biggest challenge:

    • Harnessing our amazing volunteers to share on their own social media channels
      • Everyone is so incredibly busy with life work, volunteering, and with the need to share new rescues it's hard to add one more message to your social feed

    What we are proactively doing this week

    • We have enlisted high school volunteers to help create dog treat bags with a QR link to learn more about this initiative. It was an exciting weekend as many students have community service requirements so we were able to share the risk so many dogs are in without having safe homes to get healthy and ready for adoption
    • Putting a media release out
    • Asking our recent adopters to share on their company intranet

    I suppose the ol' adage: "You don't know unless you ask" is the mantra this week as we need to expand the marketing because the call to rescue is daily for us.

    I'd love to hear the successes of others. Cheers! Stephanie

    Stephanie Rach
    Fundraising Director
    Rocket Dog Rescue

  • 16.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-17-2024 07:59 AM

    Additional Check-In Comment --- We are in small county in rural Kentucky.  The county has a population of 27,000 and includes the following small towns (Russellville - population 7100, Auburn - population 1500,  Adairville - population 837, Lewisburg - population 748, plus 2 unincorporated towns of much smaller populations). The rest of the population lives on farmland out in the county.   Demographics break down as follows: 91% white, 6% black, 2.1% combination of races, and less than 1% of a variety of other census classifications (American Indian, Asian, etc.).  3.5% of the population is Hispanic.   20% of the population are senior citizens.   We also have a large Amish and Mennonite population. There are 123 churches in the county. Much of the county is dry (no alcohol) with a few businesses allowed to serve wine/beer under strict restrictions. Some of the types of marketing, events, and outreach that might work well in a large urban area will not work in our area of the country.   We are hopeful that this will be taken into account when the program committee reviews are completed by Maddie's Fund.  :-)

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 17.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-19-2024 04:39 AM

    Good morning!  The leadership team of MatchDog Rescue gathered to brainstorm ideas for a special event tailored to the Willingboro School community, with whom they had been working closely through the P.U.P.S (Promote, Understand, Participate, Serve) program. The goal was to create an engaging and informative experience that would further educate the students, teachers, and families about dog rescue, responsible pet ownership, and the importance of volunteering. Moreover, we wanted to address a pressing issue in the community: lost dogs ending up in shelters or roaming the streets. By hosting Wags Fest, the team at MDR aims to provide a platform for microchipping, vaccinations, and registration, ensuring the safety and well-being of beloved pets and promoting a safer community for all!

    MatchDog Leadership team plans WAGS fest


    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 18.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-19-2024 05:17 AM

    I read your information on educating the community. Your rescue group is doing excellent work. Keep exceling.

    Bernadette Vinci



    Bernadette Vinci

  • 19.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-19-2024 11:46 AM

    Thank you, Bernadette, for your kind words! It gives us the encouragement to continue!!! 

    Molly Keith

    MatchDog Rescue

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 20.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-19-2024 12:29 PM

    Happy Friday,

    I wanted to share this recent article we used to educate our communities. With an increase in animal owner-surenders and abandoned animals our transport admits seem to double daily. Our continued efforts got a little bump because of the focus on the Bay Area  being impacted by rising vet costs.  Another reason why we need to educate residents throughout Oakland and the Bay Area. As an organization, we haven't increased our adoption fees to match other shelters and this is impacting our resources. 

    Education is powerful ...and increases empathy and understanding from individuals and companies.  We are working on educating non-animal families as well as rescue-families. Building an understanding we're hoping will increase support of our fosters as they care for rescues struggling emotionally and needing medical support.

    Article: Increase in Vet Costs

    We're very excited about our three events this weekend, two with organizations not animal rescue focused. A great opportunity to expand the need! 

    We were able to secure a donation for dog treats and water bottles to give out to people and added a QR code to inform people of our Fund-A-Foster program.

    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Stephanie Rach
    Fundraising Director
    Rocket Dog Rescue

  • 21.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-21-2024 05:39 AM

    Next Update for our WAGS fest: While the leadership team was planning Wags Fest, the PUPS (Promote, Understand, Participate, Serve) program was already making a difference within the Willingboro School community. The program's dedicated team was busy teaching students and teachers about the vital work of MatchDog Rescue and the importance of dog rescue. Through individual and assembly presentations, they shared stories of rescue dogs finding forever homes and highlighted the various ways students could volunteer and serve their community and families. By educating and inspiring the next generation, the PUPS program aimed to create a culture of compassion, empathy, and service, laying the groundwork for a brighter future for both humans and animals.

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 22.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-22-2024 02:38 PM

    Update on our pet food pantry challenge.

    We have been able to offer free cat and dog food all month long to city and county citizens. We come from a poor, small rural community and we hear all the time that citizens can't afford pet food. We have been able to give away over $10,000 worth of food this month from a donation we got from RezDawg Rescue and Greater Good Charities.

    We also got some more good news this month. We will be receiving a food grant for $3,500 so we will be able to get more food to keep our pantry stocked. The people have been incredibly thankful to be able to get this help for their pets.

    We've also been able to have conversations with the pet owners that come in about caring for their pets. We've talked about spay/neuter, vaccinations, and overall good health care. We've also talked to pet owners about measuring their pet's food vs free feeding, not only for the health of the pets but to help save money on buying pet food.

    Crystal Trujillo
    Animal Control Director
    City of Santa Rosa Animal Control

  • 23.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-22-2024 03:13 PM

    Do you have any information about the measuring food versus free feeding?  We have been able to do 2 food distributions so far -- one hour each (first one approximately 100 pp; second one approximately 200 pp).  There's really no time for us to talk to anyone -- just time to give them their food and they drive on.  We are set up in a storage unit and it's a drive through.  I'm thinking this is a very good idea but we'd have to put the info in writing and give it to them on a flyer.

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 24.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-25-2024 01:01 PM

    Hello, I found some information on Purina's website. There's a feeding chart but also some other useful information such as factors that impact how much to feed your dog. I also always tell people to check with their veterinarian.


    Crystal Trujillo
    Animal Control Director
    City of Santa Rosa Animal Control

  • 25.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-23-2024 05:14 AM

    We are just starting a food pantry so this is good news!  We already do free vaccinations due to a grant and so it's a great co-service, especially in our mostly retirement community of fixed income pet owners! Can't wait to see how it goes.  Our adoption applications are down like everyone else's and I'm convince it's in large part due to people not being able to afford the rising cost of a pet.  When they question a $500 adoption fee, you have to wonder if they can afford the first vet visit that they are required to do via the contract they sign.

    Peggy Schipper
    All Fur One

  • 26.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-23-2024 01:52 PM

    I found the Pets & People Photos: Free Stock Library by accident last week.   This is a great resource.  Everyone should take a look if they are not aware it is available on this site.

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 27.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-24-2024 05:56 AM
      |   view attached

    Good morning all! 

    MatchDog Rescue's journey to host Wags Fest wasn't without its challenges. Initially, we applied to use the local fire station's facility for our fest, given our strong ties in other townships and the central location. However, our request was met with refusal, a significant setback. Undeterred, we explored alternative options, including a small park with covered pavilions, but the township denied our application due to concerns about dogs being present. Even the dog park, though enthusiastically offered, was not feasible due to its remote location, lack of cover, and ongoing construction work. As the team began to panic, wondering if our event would ever come to fruition, the township offered a consolation: they would send representatives to talk to children and families about pet safety in case of a home fire. While appreciated, this wasn't the same as hosting a comprehensive event like Wags Fest. With the events team unable to secure local organizations' participation without a venue, the future of Wags Fest seemed uncertain. It was then that a new idea emerged: what about using the school grounds themselves? 

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 28.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-24-2024 02:17 PM
      |   view attached
    Much to our surprise, MatchDog Rescue received the astonishing news that the school board had passed the proposal! Despite initial doubts about the feasibility of hosting Wags Fest on school property, the team was overjoyed and amazed by this unexpected turn of events. The school board's leap of faith in MatchDog Rescue was a testament to the hard work and dedication invested in building relationships with the school and community. Our team felt blessed and energized, knowing that our voices, along with those of the community's families and their furry friends, had been heard. With Wags Fest officially a go, our team celebrated with a beautiful photo outside the building, proudly holding the MatchDog flag. Now, the real hard work began, but the team was more determined than ever to make Wags Fest a resounding success!

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 29.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-24-2024 03:57 PM

    Congratulations Molly! That's great news! 

    Rita Ortiz
    Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter

  • 30.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-25-2024 04:20 AM

    Oh thank you Rita!  We think this is going to be the best venue we could have asked for! 

    Molly Keith

    MatchDog Rescue

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 31.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-25-2024 04:57 AM
      |   view attached

    While the team was searching for a venue, the events team was hard at work in the background, planning and preparing for Wags Fest. MatchDog Rescue recruited one of our volunteers (who is experienced with events) to lead the charge, Her first job...to enlist additional volunteers to help with the event itself. Our team sent out numerous letters and emails to rescue friends and partners, requesting specific and essential items, such as collars, leashes, microchips, vaccines, food, and drink, as well as entertainment and other vital supplies. Crucially, the team ensured that the event would be entirely free, with no charges for food, fun, or any other activities. This was vital to MatchDog Rescue's mission of promoting equality and inclusivity, ensuring that every individual and their furry friends could enjoy the same day together, without any financial barriers. As our event draws close, volunteers have been busy behind the scenes, working tirelessly to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 32.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-26-2024 05:10 AM
    Good morning!  At MatchDog Rescue with the venue secured, the team needed a detailed plan for the event layout. During the school's Easter break, the leadership team took a trip to scope out the grounds and interior, walking through the space to visualize the setup. After much discussion and planning, the team created a comprehensive map, designating specific areas for each station and guest. The event was divided into two distinct sides: Side One focused on fun and food, featuring face painting, a bouncy castle, playground, hot dogs, cookies, and a DJ. Side Two was dedicated to the business side, where dogs and families would receive essential services like weight and shots, microchipping, insurance, township registration, Petco lost pet pictures, and uploading.
    After all that walking and thinking, it was time to break bread at the local diner for a heavy breakfast and a big mug of Joe together. We earned it! A well-deserved break to refuel and recharge before tackling the next steps in making Wags Fest a reality.

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 33.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-26-2024 09:01 AM

    We spent the quiet times (lol) of our adoption event/transport event last Saturday to put together some items for our event...brochures to hand out at the school have arrived, collars and leashes donated, vaccines are poised , the van is stocked with goodies to take...last minute items will be loaded tomorrow. Gathering tablecloths, stamps, Petco Love Lost information, Pet Insurance brochures, dog food to hand out....Contacts have been made with the township, the police, fire and EMT departments, local veterinarians, local businesses. The site map has been set up, re-arranged, re-rearranged! We are putting the last touches on the event...It feels like Christmas Eve!! More to do today and tomorrow in advance but we're soooo excited to see our very hard work come to fruition!

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 34.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-28-2024 09:29 AM

    Hey all I am Shannon Shuttlesworth I am the Vice President and I wear a few other hats for Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA. I am just checking in and excited to tell you all about the Maddie's Fund resource handbook Helping Families One Paw at a Time that I've spend putting together to add to adoption folders, events, and to anyone from the public that would like to have one. Our booklet contains educational information and resources, supplies, vetting, boarding, all the way down to grooming!! I'm super proud of the way it has turned out and super happy to help those in need. We are a nonprofit organization that relies heavily upon our community and supporters. To give back to those in need of help for their furry family brings joy to our lives. Working together is the ultimate gift to our communities and our organization here at Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA!! Enjoy this wonderful Sunday!!

    Best Wishes 


    Becky Worth
    Shelter Manager
    Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA

  • 35.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-28-2024 05:00 AM

    Well today is the big day!! We had a zoom with a  members of the WAGS fest team to cross or T's and dot our I's. Reviewing our layout, revising last minute placements of tables, checking that we have all in place. Our head of volunteers, Guin, gave everyone their assignments and covered times, needs, and last minute items not to forget. Most of all, we want to remember to make this an outstanding day!! We're excited. We're hopeful. We're anticipating lots of positive changes and fun too. Next on our agenda...

    Molly Keith
    Development Lead
    MatchDog Rescue

  • 36.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-30-2024 08:45 AM

     North Texas Aussie Shepherd rescue is a small, foster based and volunteer led organization and like all rescue operations, large or small, it's been a crazy start to the year and we have been inundated. We have recently brought on a young volunteer who is social media savvy and far more computer literate than the rest of us here. I feel it will be a game changer as she will be able to get the message out to far more diverse     group of dog lovers and vulnerable dog owners. Our rescue has provided neuters and spays to over 50 dogs in the first 3 months of this year, vaccinations to even more and provided numerous medical procedures. We help the surrounding community with heartworm/flea and tick meds, dog food, toys, beds. As long we we have funds and supplies we turn no one away. We have surrender plea emails daily from people who can no longer afford to keep their dogs or from senior owned pets who have had to be hospitalized or moved to assisted living. We have taken in dogs from people who are being deported an airman who was being deployed overseas and even paid one guy's hotel bill after he and his dog were made homeless. No surprise that we operate at a loss but we keep on keepin on.

    Samantha McCartan
    North Texas Australian Shepherd Rescue

  • 37.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-30-2024 10:57 AM

    The changes we made to our adoption process have been well received and have reduced the time between interest to adoption. We created a "Matchmaker Survey" in place of our more traditional Adoption Application. We are no longer checking in with landlords. We also made this document available in Spanish on our website for dogs, cats and small pets to increase accessibility.  We have had a couple returns due to adopters not setting things up properly with their landlord in advance, but the successes outweigh the mishaps.

    Cassidy Crisp
    Marketing & Development Coordinator
    La Plata County Humane Society
    Durango CO

  • 38.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-30-2024 01:41 PM

    Really excited to have started work on our Volunteer Services Mental Health and Compassion Fatigue Program. We understand the challenges our volunteers face and the sacrifices they make. Our goal is to create a supportive environment that prioritizes and cultivates mental/emotional resilience and holistic welfare of both our people and the animals they serve. 

    Christine Quesada
    Volunteer Programs Director
    Los Angeles County Animal Care & Control

  • 39.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-30-2024 03:25 PM
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    My department, Pet Resource Services, offers resources and counseling to our community to prevent pet surrender and keep pets in their loving homes. We implemented two updates to our existing programs for this challenge.

    1. We created an online contact form that not only allows us to reach and serve clients faster and more effectively, but also allows us to determine what the client's pronouns are and whether or not the need an interpreter (the form is attached to this post for anyone to take a look at if you are considering doing something similar!)
    2.  Our Pet Resource Counselors began attending our low-cost mobile vet clinic's events held in underserved and impoverished neighborhoods to connect and provide services with more of our community.

    Here are some of our wins:

    1. Our local news came out and covered the low-cost mobile vet clinic event that we attended, helping us hopefully reach more clients in need and attract more donors to sponsor these events. Also, many of the clients we spoke with at the event had not heard of us and so we know we reached clients who did not know that services were available to them.
    2. We have seen a significant increase in Counsil persons' choosing to sponsor these events so we can hold them in their districts.
    3. We had several clients go out of their way to let us know how much they appreciated being able to indicate their pronouns in a way that felt easy and safe, and appreciation for being referred to by the correct pronouns even over the phone.

    We luckily did not have too many losses so to speak. The only thing that stuck out to me is the number of no-shows to our low-cost mobile clinic appointments.

    One challenge I hope to overcome is finding funding to be able to expand our ability to communicate with non-English speaking clients. We have an interpreter service when speaking with someone in person or on the phone, but we do not have the ability to translate our website, documents, online contact form etc. So far, adding this feature with our interpreter service is too expensive, especially without a grant to cover the cost.

    Shelby Schulz
    Pet Resource Manager
    Kentucky Humane Society


  • 40.  RE: Checking in!

    Posted 04-30-2024 04:01 PM

    On March 9th, the city of Perris Animal Control hosted and brought back pets on parade/Pet Expo. At the event, 109 microchips were implanted for free, and a new veterinarian who had recently taken over a veterinarian practice provided vaccines. The most exciting element of the event was the proposal for a dog training course titled AKC Puppy Star, which was to be taught by two animal control officers, Officer Keller and Officer Barron.    

    On March 28th, the training started with 10 participants. The class had a one-time orientation and 6 classes. The participants have shown up to every class. Very exciting! That is a win! The lesson that we have learned is that people need help with their pets to keep them in their homes without incident because sometimes they do not know what they do not know. I say this because although owners have signed up for training, Animal Control received a welfare call for one of the dogs attending training for neglect. The dog did not have a proper doghouse, unseen water, and the toddler child threw toys at the dog.  At a home call to work one-on-one with resource guarding, the officer found the dog tied inside a kennel and wound itself around a chair. These are challenges, but we can educate with a favorable reception as we have already formed a relationship around education and not enforcement.  Another challenge is allotting the time for the training officers to prepare the curriculum and teach the class because we are a small group and the cost implications that go along with providing resources for the group. Overall, so far, it has been a great group effort.

    Christina Avila
    Animal Control Supervisor
    City of Perris
    Perris, California