- We had a few questions about foster training in the chat that I wanted to make sure to address-
- Research has shown that the single most important factor in foster retention is fosters feeling they've been adequately trained. This can be done in a way that's low-barrier and simple for staff.
- Some organizations are creating quick trainings that are automated and completely online, so they can be taken at any time and don't necessitate more work from foster staff. You can see some examples here and here.
- I'd recommend that most orgs have two ways to do training so that it is accessible to more people, and can be done on the spot. Checklists with topics to discuss can be really helpful here.
- One way organizations are providing more self-serve information for fosters is online foster resource pages and boards. Check these out:
- From what I've seen there isn't a standard training requirement for Foster to Adopt, but you can see examples of documents from several programs here.
- There was a question about foster manuals that could be used as templates-- yes, there are quite a few here in our resource library!
The slides from today's presentation are attached.
If anyone is interested in chatting further,
I'm available to meet with you anytime to brainstorm solutions, troubleshoot, answer questions and connect you with foster resources. If you'd like to meet, you can can pick a time on my Calendly, and I'll add the Zoom link as soon as it creates the invite: https://calendly.com/duer/fosterconsult ------------------------------
Kelly Duer
Senior Community Solutions Initiative Specialist
Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 01-19-2023 12:03 PM
From: Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Subject: Community Conversations - 1/23/23 - Foster Solutions
We hope you will join us on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 11am PT for our next Community Conversations call.
We will be joined by