Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2023 11:39 AM
From: stephanie kendrick
Subject: Community Conversations - 2/27/23 - Next Level Partnerships
Mahalo, Clare. Done!
Steph Kendrick
Hawaiian Humane Society
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2023 11:00 AM
From: Clare Callison
Subject: Community Conversations - 2/27/23 - Next Level Partnerships
Hi @Stephanie Kendrick! Thank you so much for making a donation, I know it will mean so much to Heather and the region! Do you see where it says "Heather Hall's gift registry" address? Should be in Presidio -- that's the option to choose. Let me know if you can't see it! Thank you again!
Clare Callison
Director of National Operations
Austin Pets Alive
Original Message:
Sent: 02-28-2023 10:13 AM
From: stephanie kendrick
Subject: Community Conversations - 2/27/23 - Next Level Partnerships
Underground Dog's mailing address is not attached to its Amazon wish list and I couldn't find it on their website. Could you send that, @Clare Callison
Steph Kendrick
Hawaiian Humane Society
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2023 04:01 PM
From: Charlotte Otero
Subject: Community Conversations - 2/27/23 - Next Level Partnerships
Thanks to the 274 attendees who joined us for the last Community Conversations call of February! The recording is now available to watch on-demand and below you'll find a recap of the updates shared. Don't forget to enter to win a grant for watching the replay or after attending live: https://www.maddiesfund.org/weekly-community-conversations-feb23-giveaway.htm. We'll be announcing the grant winners on next week's call.
- Welcome from hosts
- Shannon Roebuck, Executive Director, Bridging Impact
- Allison Cardona, California State Director, UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program
- Question of the Day: With the beauty and business of spring around the corner, how do you prepare to help manage your stress?
- "Going through closets and getting rid of things I haven't worn or used for the last year" - Debbie Hawkins
- "Planning things to look forward to like mini vacations :)" - Stacy Beckley
- "increasing my therapy sessions! I am already needing the extra support" - Amanda Gray
- "a lot of cleaning, getting the foster list updated" - Alisa Fraser
- "Sorting towels, blankets, treats. Renewing protocols." - Kate Williams
- "Looking for more fosters and requesting KMR." - Jenny Pelton
- "Inventory of shelter supplies- what will we need for spring/summer- donation requests." - Clare Callison
- "FAAS is renovating our shelter for the first time in 40 years so that's a big clean up call!" - Rita Ortiz
- "Just accepted a new position, so I'm learning EVERYTHING about the rescue!" - Cinder Wilkinson-Kenner
- "Lots of staff training and foster check ins!" - Kaitie Swedlund
- "Our lobby is getting painted today!" - Kate Williams
- "We've been helping start up a new group for TNR in Northern California prior to kitten season so hopefully things in Lake County won't be so bad" - Rachel Watsky
- "Getting supplies ordered and ready for a lot of upcoming events!" - Beth Gould
- "Getting rid of emails, updating files, and researching grant opportunities." - Missy Woodward
National Updates
- Let's Do It!! Free half-day webinar from Maddie's Million Pet Challenge and UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program's Spring 2023 Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks #ThankstoMaddie Tuesday, March 14 9am-12:30p Pacific. More info and registration links: www.sheltersummit.com
Treatment Options for Canine Fears and Anxiety. Earn RACE, CAWA and NACA CE credit for Maddie's Insights webcast at noon Pacific / 3p Eastern on Thursday, March 9 – it will be recorded but join live if you can. Register: https://maddies.fund/MIwebcastsFebthruApril2023
- This presentation will be given by one of the world's most pre-eminent animal behaviorists, Dr. Nicholas Dodman, DVM, DACVA, DACVB, and Ian Dinwoodie, a data analyst and software engineer. Both are from Tufts University and the Center for Canine Behavior Studies which Dr. Dodman co-founded.
- Human Animal Support Services (HASS) webinar 2/28 at 4pm Pacific / 5pm Central / 6pm Eastern - Unleashing the Power of Data: Key Insights from 2022 Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/1016775120933/WN_wMIGIBIaRdqfDaR3GMs9EA
- Vincent Medley Human Animal Support Services (HASS): If you know anyone that is looking for a career as an ACO and is willing to relocate to NC, please pass this information to them. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/orangecountync/jobs/3932478/animal-control-officer
- My Dog is My Home virtual conference March 21-23. Essential if you are committed to keeping pets and people together https://www.mydogismyhome.org/
- Maddie's Fund Weekly Community Conversations give-away – enter a chance to win: https://www.maddiesfund.org/weekly-community-conversations-feb23-giveaway.htm Open to all who are watching live or on-demand! Be sure to enter each week you attend!
- Maddie's Pet Forum monthly give-away! Maddie's Fund® is giving away a $3,000 grant each month to one lucky Maddie's® Pet Forum member! You'll automatically be entered to win each month when you start a new discussion, reply to a new post. More info: https://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2022/11/new-monthly-grant-opportunity/
Presentation: Next Level Partnerships presented by Clare Callison, Director of National Operations, Austin Pets Alive!
Contact Info: Clare.Callison@americanpetsalive.org
Need help at your organization? ShelterSupport@americanpetsalive.org
Related links:
Highlights from the Chat
- "Good language points in marketing and media. SC has experiences this shadow cast too. Some partners aren't aware of their portrayal when adopting out our animals. Respect!" - Lisa Pearce
- "It's so true the with how important it is to keep the language positive. I was speaking with a vet tech gaining some insights on what would bring staff into shelters vs private practice and she said part of it is the status or desirability is so long with shelters which shouldn't be the case." - Rachel Watsky
- "We need all our animal partners - for the benefit of the animals! Also, there are places that are awesome but just have too many animals - and places that need more!😉" - Theresa Clifton
- "It is also important for the agencies sending animals to trust receiving agencies to do the best for the animals. There are times when health or behavior issues come up after transport." - Judy Calhoun
- "I still get updates via partners from animals I've transferred a decade ago. It always warms my heart." - Ashley Rodriguez
- "I believe that the need for a common language of behavior & behavioral history is critical to building really effective partnerships, especially for dogs" - Sara Price
- "I did a Friendsgiving right before Thanksgiving and had 10 different rescues/shelters participated. It was the 1st time a lot of groups had ever met each other. It was a huge success." - Alicia Mason
- "My favorite transport program we have is our dog swap. We swap our longer resident dogs with other in-state shelters. Sometimes they just need a new environment and audience to find a home." - Jordan LeVine
- "We do a quarterly rescue partner meeting where we have rescue program reviews, special speakers, Q&A, gift bags for all the rescues and then the pet food distibution to our rescue partners from donations from local stores. You can reach out to Gina Botticello our Community Partnerships and Programs Supervisor for more details: gbotticello@pascocountyfl.net. We started doing this a few years ago in our shelter but had to move to the theater in the local library. Typically, over 100 people will attend." - Mike Shumate
- "LOVE that idea, Mike! I'm definitely going to work on getting something similar going locally." - Victoria Partridge - Street Cats Club
- "Join Shelters United (for rescues, humane societies too) and order vaccines / med through MWI Animal Products. Much less expensive than traditional avenues." - Barbara Perry
- "We put out an email on items that we have to donate to other partners. When we upgrade computers, old computers are donated to others. When we update office furniture or kennels, same idea. We changed to stainless steel bowls and then donated all of our buckets to a horse rescue." - Alisa Mills
- "My shelter has the resources, but we don't have the staff to implement all our services." - Yvette Castro
- "Has anyone developed successful partnerships with local veterinarians, veterans groups, or local clubs (Kiwanis, etc) to promote adoptions or fosters?" - Norma Wallace
Charlotte Otero
Community Strategist at Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2023 10:32 AM
From: Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Subject: Community Conversations - 2/27/23 - Next Level Partnerships
Updated 2/27/23 at 3:37pm - Recording now available!
We're back in action on Monday, February 27, 2023 at 11am PT for our next Community Conversations call featuring a presentation on Next Level Partnerships by @Clare Callison
The need to adapt and evolve our local and national rescue partnerships is more important than ever, as shelters and rescues are faced with the continuous challenge of balancing available space and the daily need to save pets. As a rescue partner, how do you expand your program in order to say "yes" to more intake requests, and build a sustainable program that meets partners where they are. As a municipal shelter, how do you grow your network, improve efficiency, and take a local first approach? This session will answer these questions and more, including a focus on equitable partnerships, and solutions to common shelter/rescue program challenges.
Register here for our Monday Community Conversations Calls: maddies.fund/CommunityConversationsRegistration
If you are unable to make it live on Monday, this thread will be updated with the recording and resources so you can watch and share whenever you'd like. After you watch the recording or attend the call live, be sure to complete this February entry form to enter to win a grant: https://www.maddiesfund.org/weekly-community-conversations-feb23-giveaway.htm
Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Maddie's Fund