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Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

  • 1.  Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-06-2024 11:18 AM

    Updated 6/10/24 at 3:03pm - Recording now available!

    We hope to see you on the next Community Conversations call on Monday, 6/10/24 at 11am PT for a presentation by Dr. @Jyothi Robertson on, "Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters."

    Differing goals between veterinarians and shelter leadership can be challenging and result in inefficiencies and conflicts. With significant experience coaching veterinarians and shelter leaders, Dr. Robertson will outline communication, explain operational and cultural challenges, and share strategies for breaking down barriers and gaining synergy.

    Maddie's Fund will also be announcing the May grant winners! Be sure to tune in to see if you're one of the lucky winners. 

    Register for Community Conversations hosted via Zoom:

    As always, this discussion thread will be updated with the recording and resources so you can watch and share whenever you'd like.  After you watch the recording on-demand or attend the call live, be sure to complete the new June 2024 entry form to enter to win up to a $5,000 grant:


    Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
    Maddie's Fund

  • 2.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 10:23 AM

    Hello everyone! 

    I am looking forward to seeing many of you today.  If you are unable to stay for the  whole meeting, I will be sharing a link here as well to the survey which I would really appreciate more individuals taking. I will also share the slides. 



    Jyothi Robertson

  • 3.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 03:31 PM

    Thanks to the 161+ people and pets who joined us on today's call! The recording is now available to watch and below you'll find a full recap of today's Community Conversation. 

    • Welcome from hosts
    • National Updates
    • May 2024 Grant Winners
      • Weekly Community Conversations - 2 winners of $2,500 each:
      • Maddie's® Pet Forum- 1 Winner of $3,000!
    • Today's Presentation -  Navigating Opposing Visions & Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters – Weekly Community Conversations 6/10/24
    • Highlights from the chat
      • "Medical- Dr Lisa Brinlee (used to be Branstad) YVAS Billings Montana. Nice to see you, Jyothi! We were class of 2005 together!" - Lisa Brinlee
      • "Still great questions.  Very valid." - Johanna Humbert
      • "Yes, to all of these questions!" - Alexis Svehla
      • "yes, these seem to still be valid" - Allison Lamb
      • "Great questions!" - Steph Kendrick
      • "Just curious if the VL were only in leadership or were practicing medicine while being in leadership?" - Allison Lamb
        • "VL can be practicing while being in leadership" - Clinton Mauck
      • "$$$" - Jennifer Bradley
      • "For a full time position in another org that would help her get her loans paid" - Michelle Russillo
      • "discrepancy of priorities and values between leadership and them as well as work load" - Ashley Mikulsky
      • "I see: Conflict with leadership" - June Thomas
      • "compensation, taking away from their current business, no time off" - Kim Jackson
      • "Non-Vets - What has led veterinarians to leave your organization?" - Shonyae Johnson
        • "can barely have one to work with our rescue. we have to bounce from one to another" - Kim Jackson
      • "Poor leadership and communication; compassion fatigues and burnout (related to workload)" - Karen Green
      • "i would say new opportunity or type of practice" - Amanda Gray
      • "Poor leadership and communication" - Johnny Jenkins
      • "Unfortunately I have seen regular people with no medical experience telling the vet what to do." - Sunny Levine
      • "Compensation." - CaSandra Nash
      • "compassion fatigue, unfortunately we've worked with 2 great veterinarians who decided to leave practice all together bc of this." - Marcella Janes
      • "Animal and community impact" - Sarah Hicks
      • "To help the animals I can" - Sunny Levine
      • "I stay cause I love my team. I stay cause work life balance us important and I believe in the mission that our team believes in too" - Lisa Brinlee
      • "Feeling like vet decisions and recommendations are respected by leadership." - Lauren Overman
      • "Also a love of the team" - Sarah Hicks
      • "They support me trying things. I get a chance to grow and gain new skills" - Lisa Brinlee
      • "Pulled by the need to support the animals and team, and the sense that someone will need to do it" - Lawrence Minnis
      • "Appreciation and gratitude with autonomy" - Michelle Russillo
      • "Leadership taking brief passive roles and learning from the Vet team" - Lawrence Minnis
      • "The Veterinarian has the education to make decision that non-veterinarian's don't. This happens a lot" - Kim Jackson
      • "definitely the professional respect, as an RN myself I have complex conversations and dialogue with the veterinarians we work with (private vet offices that we contract with) and I'm able to fundamentally understand their medical advice and ask the pertinent questions. As a rescue I see a lot of rescues disrespect vets and discount their recommendations. This can strain relationships" - Marcella Janes
        • "yes" - Kim Jackson
      • "This appears to highlight the need for leadership development systems and resources being shared with Vet teams within organizations. I had a pair of conversations with veterinarians last week, and both highlighted the desire to learn and grow on the leadership competency" - Lawrence Minnis
      • "collaborative communications with transformational leadership and less task based communication" - Marcella Janes
      • "IT resonates but if each one thinks the opposite how do you get each other to see what they think and make changes" - Karen Baker
        • "Identifying heuristics (mental short cuts) that may be used and explicitly acknowledging the assumptions that relied on. Being aware of this can open one's awareness of the errors that occur with the heuristics and assumptions used" - Lawrence Minnis
      • "In my experience over the years having more training for rescue/shelter staff on communications and conflict resolution would be a big game changer" - Sunny Levine
      • "Kurt Krukenberg...Humane Society Silicon Valley" - Krista Coutts
      • "It took us months to get negativity out of our staff. It did mean letting a vet and a staff member go to make it happen. Thank you for this presentation, it is EXTREMELY validating!" - Mikhaila Worle
      • "Wonderful - I did a doctoral program for leadership and communication with veterinarians - on 2015" - Michelle Russillo
      • "Thank you, Jyothi. Great information from the study" - Sunny Levine
      • "Thank you so much, Jyothi!!!" - Mary Flores
      • "Excellent presentation- thank you" - Michelle Russillo
      • "Really appreciate this,!  Much needed info for our group at present!" - April King
      • "Thanks for the insightful presentation, Jyothi. The solution to access to care requires an assessment of all our animal well-being systems, and vets are at the core." - Johnny Jenkins
      • "Thank you for the great and informative session!" - Danielle Brady

    Charlotte Otero
    Community Strategist at Maddie's Fund

  • 4.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 07:42 PM

    Hi, is the link to the survey for the study in the comments somewhere? Thanks!

    Jacqueline Paritte
    Medical Director
    Clemson Paw Partners

  • 5.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 09:48 PM

    Here is the link:

    Please let me know if that works. Don't sign in with a google account if you want it to be anonymous. I've been told sometimes if you sign in through google, it can fill your name. 

    Thank you for filling this out and for sharing it with others!


    Jyothi Robertson

  • 6.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 03:32 PM

    Unanswered question from the chat:

    "How can you get more Vets to participate with Non-Profits to help with S/N?"

    Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
    Maddie's Fund

  • 7.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 03:32 PM

    Unanswered question from the chat:

    "Just curious if the VL were only in leadership or were practicing medicine while being in leadership?"

    Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
    Maddie's Fund

  • 8.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-11-2024 08:57 AM

    Veterinarian leaders (VL) could be either practicing medicine while being in leadership or only currently in leadership. 

    Ross Mauck
    Data Scientist
    JVR Shelter Strategies

  • 9.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 03:33 PM

    Unanswered question from the chat:

    "How can NVL steward relationships with the veterinarians to understand how those veterinarians seek to collaborate and be supported (e.g., autonomy/agency, flexibility, compensation, resources, etc.)?"

    Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
    Maddie's Fund

  • 10.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 03:33 PM

    Unanswered question from the chat:

    "How could you recruit more Vets to help non-profits so they wouldn't be a burnout?"

    Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
    Maddie's Fund

  • 11.  RE: Community Conversations - 6/10/24 - Navigating Opposing Visions and Goals Between Veterinarians and Leadership in Shelters

    Posted 06-10-2024 03:34 PM