Thanks to the over 260 people who joined us on today's call!
The recording is now available to watch on-demand. Today's call is the last chance to enter to win a grant for the month of September so be sure to complete the giveaway entry form here:
- Welcome from Host @Bobby Mann, Chief Programs Officer at Humane Rescue Alliance and co-host @Irene Chansawang, Grants Specialist at Maddie's Fund
- Monday Motivation: Mary Ippoliti-Smith, Maddie's Fund Executive Leadership team
- If we stay too focused on an outcome, we harm ourselves and each other. Let's all look a little deeper at the way we do the things we do – and ask ourselves if there is another way to do it. Have you watched the TV show Undercover Boss? Many times, the boss' disguise is lame - but people still didn't recognize him/her as the boss. How about in your own organization? Do leaders know everyone on the staff and what their role is? Here at Maddie's Fund, we get to know a lot about each other, each other's pets, back stories, families. Within your org, if you are at the top and you do not know the people who clean the kennels (for instance), spend a day with them to get to know their role better – and vice versa: let them spend a day with you so they understand how everyone's job is connected to a common mission. Once, workers at NASA were asked what is your job? A guy on the cleaning crew said, "My job is to get the first man on the moon." Just like everyone else on that mission, he knew he was a part of a common goal. How we get there is important – but don't let fear motivate us – we can hold each others' hands to get us there.
National Updates
Session Information - Emerging Infectious Disease Issues
A variety of emerging, re-emerging and unusual disease events continue to threaten companion animals and shelters. This presentation will provide an overview of recent issues, including parvovirus concerns in Michigan and the potential impact of monkeypox on pets.
Highlighted Comments from the Chat
"The recommendation for vaccination of shelter cats is very similar. It's so important to follow the guidelines to prevent panleukopenia outbreaks. Most FPV outbreaks are traced back to vaccine gap, poor biosecurity, wrong disinfectants, crowding." - Dr. Julie Levy
"We have an outbreak of distemper in the city of Bogota. About 200 dogs were euthanized in the local shelter. the authorities are suggesting there is a new strain of the virus as more cases of adult dogs fully vaccinated are getting it and with more with neurological symptoms. the issue has been investigated by one university and I was wondering if someone expert in this group would like to somehow has an input on the issue here by participating on a call with the group who is investigating the issue here. my email is I would like to make the link if possible"
Charlotte Otero
Community Strategist at Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 09-23-2022 09:32 AM
From: Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Subject: Community Conversations - 9/26/22 - Emerging Infectious Disease Issues
Updated 9/26/22 at 4:25pm - Recording is now available to watch on-demand
Please note: All views expressed on Community Conversations calls are not necessarily endorsed by Maddie's Fund.
We hope you will join us on Monday, September 26 at 11am PT/2pm ET for our next Community Conversations call.
We will be joined by Dr. J. Scott Weese, Professor at Ontario Veterinary College and Director of the Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses for an update on infectious disease issues. A variety of emerging, re-emerging and unusual disease events continue to threaten companion animals and shelters. This presentation will provide an overview of recent issues, including parvovirus concerns in Michigan and the potential impact of monkeypox on pets.
Register here for our Monday Community Conversations:
Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Maddie's Fund