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  • 1.  Creating a Survey for Mayors and ACO

    Posted 7 days ago


    These last two weeks have been heartbreaking for our little rescue.   Our county is overwhelmed with animal issues.  We are frustrated that everyone works in a silo and talks at each other but not with each other about the problems we are facing. 

    From over 50 puppies dumped this week, a cat left for 10 hours in a cardboard box, to the city shelter and local human society euthanasia list growing. 

    So, I want to survey the Mayors (some have animal control, others do not) and the local ACOs about what is and isn't working for them.  For example, we have a county-wide spay and neuter ordinance, and no citation has been written in five years. 

    I am looking for advice.  Questions that might be beneficial.  Suggestions on how to pull people together. 

    For information - we are located in rural Northeast Arkansas. 


    Connie Ash
    Mended Paws Sanctuary

  • 2.  RE: Creating a Survey for Mayors and ACO

    Posted 7 days ago

    Consider hosting a community forum to bring together local mayors, animal control officers, rescue organizations, and concerned citizens in rural Northeast Arkansas. Form a task force to focus on enforcing the spay/neuter ordinance and improving communication. Establish regular meetings or an online platform for ongoing collaboration. Advocate for policy updates, launch educational campaigns on responsible pet ownership, and seek community support through volunteering and fundraising.

    Avery Jones

  • 3.  RE: Creating a Survey for Mayors and ACO

    Posted 7 days ago

    Hi Avery, 

    Thank you for responding.  The meeting you describe is exactly what I want to host.  I want to gather information before the meeting to start the conversation.   I need to know more to be able to structure the meeting. 

    What is working, what isn't working, what do they need.    Should I be asking anything else? 

    Connie Ash
    Mended Paws Sanctuary

  • 4.  RE: Creating a Survey for Mayors and ACO

    Posted 6 days ago

    This sounds awesome! I'm glad you're trying to fix the system and improve communication.

    Interviewing people might be more helpful than a survey, or maybe you could offer both so that people can decide. You can get creative with the interviews - for example, offer to bring bagels to an animal control agency and sit down with each person for 15 minutes at a time as they arrive for their shifts.

    I love your questions. Here are two to consider:

    1. What are your priorities? (I think this will provide a LOT of insight)
    2. If we go forward with a town hall, regular meetings, etc., is there anything you are concerned about or don't want to happen?

    Getting together a task force of representatives that meets monthly or quarterly may be more productive in the long run than a big forum, as long as the representatives are adequately informed about their own orgs and have authority in them.

    Best of luck!

    James Pawlowicz
    Humane Rescue Alliance

  • 5.  RE: Creating a Survey for Mayors and ACO

    Posted 6 days ago

    I like the ideal of the surveys.  I think this is something we will be able to incorporate into our community education as well as the community needs.  This can be for the greater population and the city leaders.

    Teresa Williams
    Bridge to Bridge Animal Rescue in St. James

  • 6.  RE: Creating a Survey for Mayors and ACO

    Posted 6 days ago

    Connie - A noble cause to help the local animal services. What I've seen work nicely involves three steps:

    1. Follow the money. Research how animal services are funded. Some are supported by city taxes per capita plus state budgets, while others are county mandates. You can find the data; although it might seem impossible, we've found that dividing your region into smaller chunks and advocating within those chunks shows progress on one or two initiatives.
    2. Find the pain. While you mention spay-neuter, there might be other issues in your region. Before conducting a survey, check with the Arkansas Community Foundation, which is well-funded, and make a "make families better through animals" pitch. Funding details here. Or contact Tina Coots at Northeast Arkansas Humane Association funding details here. Interview them first to get the macro point of view.
    3. Pick one initiative. Because you have great insights as "feet on the street," make a list of the top five things (elementary & middle school visits to educate, funding for spay-neuter mobile clinics, community outreach, etc.). From your top five list, think about what can be done in the next quarter. The HAAS Playbook has a great catalog of ideas and tools: HAAS Playbook. The one I really like for your challenges is picking a zip code and creating a local campaign for spay-neuter. If you go to your Mayor with a plan like this, you will generate goodwill and start building a relationship.

    Let me know how it goes and I agree with @James Pawlowicz recommendations. 

    BTW, if you have not worked with Best Friends, please connect with their team. If nothing else, their data on your region is helpful to make the case to the Mayor for whatever program you select. For example, Best Friends shows a 79.3% live release rate for your area of 2.7 million people compared to 83% nationally. The data shows 6,300 shelter animals euthanized in 2023, with the majority in Little Rock Animal Village and the Nashville Animal Control Shelter.

    Peter Buck

  • 7.  RE: Creating a Survey for Mayors and ACO

    Posted 6 days ago

    Hi Peter, 

    Thank you for your detailed response.  I am going to research each of the resources you provided.  I am a little concerned about the euthanasia number.  Last year, at one time, a city shelter in our county was euthanizing 1000 pounds of dogs (they do not pick up cats) every two weeks if the average dog was 40 lbs - 50 dogs a month, or 600 in one city.   I feel like that 6,300 is a low number.   
    I can't find legislation that requires reporting euthanasia, so this might be something to look into.  Data is only as good as what is put in. 

    I appreciate your wisdom -  there is so much work to be done. 


    Connie Ash
    Mended Paws Sanctuary