Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Expected animal intake per human population

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 05-20-2024 04:06 PM
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hello all,

    I found a statistic once stating that an open-admission shelter can expect to intake 3% of the human population.  I have been unsuccessful in relocating this number.  Does anyone know the nation-wide number for this or a location that may have this information?

    Thank you!


  • 2.  RE: Expected animal intake per human population

    Posted 05-21-2024 01:37 PM

    I've never seen that but if you can't find anything, you could check it using Census population data and see how it compares to the intake numbers of the shelter/s you're interested in. 

    Maria Saucedo
    GIS Analyst
    Pets for Life at HSUS
    Baltimore, MD