The Power of Yes - Removing Barriers

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  • 1.  Feeling Guilty

    Posted 12-23-2022 01:58 PM
    I feel really guilty knowing that a large portion of people around our shelter are Hispanic and none of us speak Spanish.  We've not even thought about what it might feel like to not understand a community event.  I will be working on fixing this issue.

    April Chandler
    program assistant
    Appalachian Highlands Humane Society

  • 2.  RE: Feeling Guilty

    Posted 01-09-2023 02:39 PM

    It's great that you are aware of this! That's the first step. Don't feel guilty, just figure out what your next steps are. One thing to keep in mind is that just because they are Hispanic/Latino, it does not mean they don't understand or speak English. They could, and simply not  be familiar with English animal welfare-specific terminology.  Or they could have other reasons for not wanting to interact with people they perceive as being authority figures or law enforcement.

    Unlike many native English speakers in the USA, people from Spanish speaking countries are generally honored and excited when someone attempts to speak Spanish with them, no matter how badly you mangle it. So putting a little effort into learning even a few basic phrases will make a huge impact! "Hello, how are you, do you have pets, we can help with pets", etc. Use your phone to translate. Download Duolingo and work on the Spanish course. Get someone to translate your flyers and ads for you. And of course work on finding members of the community to join your organization.

    HSUS has a Spanish phrasebook you can download for free or purchase a hard copy:

    M Saucedo
    GIS Analyst
    Pets for Life

  • 3.  RE: Feeling Guilty

    Posted 11-12-2023 09:37 AM

    ¡Hola! Me alegra que estés consciente de esto y estés tomando medidas para comunicarte mejor con la comunidad hispanohablante. Es cierto que la voluntad de aprender y utilizar algunas frases en español puede generar un impacto positivo. No te preocupes si no eres fluido, el esfuerzo por comunicarte en su idioma nativo será valorado y apreciado. Además de utilizar aplicaciones como Duolingo, también considera buscar miembros de la comunidad que puedan unirse a tu organización y ayudar en la comunicación. Recuerda que la clave está en la voluntad de aprender y en el respeto hacia la cultura y el idioma de los demás. Buena suerte en tus esfuerzos y espero que puedas establecer conexiones más fuertes con la comunidad hispana.

    Jason Roy

  • 4.  RE: Feeling Guilty

    Posted 11-12-2023 09:40 AM

    Providing a translation of Jason Roy's post (just Google translate so apologies if any errors/issues):

    Hello! I'm glad you're aware of this and are taking steps to better communicate with the Spanish-speaking community. It is true that the willingness to learn and use some phrases in Spanish can generate a positive impact. Don't worry if you are not fluent, the effort to communicate in their native language will be valued and appreciated. In addition to using apps like Duolingo, also consider finding community members who can join your organization and help with communication. Remember that the key is the willingness to learn and respect for the culture and language of others. Good luck in your endeavors and I hope you are able to establish stronger connections with the Hispanic community.

    Cindi Delany, DVM, KPA-CTP, FFCP
    Director of Online Learning
    Maddie's Million Pet Challenge
    UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program

  • 5.  RE: Feeling Guilty

    Posted 01-10-2023 08:46 AM
    April, thank you so much for posting and I really relate! Once I learn information, I start to look back at all the things I haven't done or could have done.  As the saying goes, when we know better, we do better. And love that you are determined to fix this! That is a huge first step and an opportunity to get to know your community. You could reach out to trusted sources in the community such as Spanish language radio or TV, local churches and any community-based organizations that are already doing work with the Latine/x community. And as M says in the other reply, not everyone speaks Spanish necessarily so you can go in with a curiosity and openness mindset! You can also start creating trust and a sense of community by asking questions - what do folks know about the animal shelter? What animal issues come up in the community? Happy to support your journey and be a cheerleader for this work so reach out anytime!

    Allison Cardona
    UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program