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  • 1.  Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-15-2024 07:01 AM

    We are looking to build a new shelter. We have purchased the land and it is paid for. We also have about 1/4 of the funds needed to build a 3,000 square foot shelter. We are a privately ran shelter in a small rural community in Missouri and  we rely on donations and fundraising events for funding. We are looking at a USDA loan to cover the rest but i was wondering if any one knew of grants for new construction we could apply for? 

    We are in desperate need of a new facility and don't think we can wait much longer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


    Amy Pearson
    Humane society of Ray County

  • 2.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-16-2024 12:21 AM

    Hi Amy,

    Congrats on building a new shelter. I would google for capital grants. How about private investors? Naming right for the top donor. Sponsors for the kennels. Do you have a sketch of what your shelter looks like? People and potential donors may have a hard time imagining what the new shelter looks like and a sketch or floorplan might be helpful.  Maybe you can get an architecture firm to donate the preliminary sketch. You can then use it to fundraise.

    This is a great guideline.

    Good Luck!

    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA

  • 3.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-16-2024 08:22 AM

    Thank you so much for the input! I really appreciate it so much! 

    I definitely agree with having a sketch for donors to see. We are in the initial process of  touring other shelters to see what we absolutely need and what we can live without.  With the price of everything these days we are going to have to pick and choose to make sure our money goes as far as it can. 

    We do have some fundraisers planned for this year and hope to have something in place so they can see what we plan on doing with their money. 
    We are lucky to have such a great community behind us. 

    What are your thoughts on crowdfunding? Thought about doing that to reach donors outside of our town. Our town population is less that 6,000 but the county we serve is around 12,000 but seems like the other towns in our county aren't as involved. 

    Thanks in advance for any feedback! 

    Amy Pearson
    Humane society of Ray County

  • 4.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-16-2024 09:21 AM

    Hi Amy,

    I am glad the suggestions are helpful. I think touring other shelters is excellent. It will give you visual ideas and functionalities for your new shelter. The link in the previous post should also give you an idea of what a shelter should strive for to keep dogs happy and healthy. I would make two columns: one the dogs can live without and one they need for their well-being and go from there. My first thought is how to keep the kennel clean and how to make cleaning efficient. So I would make sure to design something around that. It is just an example but you can prioritize within the must-have category, what is most needed for your demographics of intakes. In your fundraising, in addition to the basic needs, you could talk about things that can elevate your shelter - the dream stuff. I think crowdfunding is great but be sure to have something to show your vision of what the shelter looks like and most importantly how your shelter impacts animal welfare in your area and surrounding areas as well. I am excited for your community.

    Julielani Chang
    The Life of Kai: Compassion Connections Inc.
    Davis CA

  • 5.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-17-2024 07:14 AM

    This is great information. We are in the negotiating phase of something similar to this. I love the sketches! I am so thankful I joined!

    Kim Jackson
    Dog Trainer
    For The Puppies Foundation Inc

  • 6.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-16-2024 07:50 AM

    Hi Amy -

    Our organization was in a similar place 20 years ago, a rural organization looking or funds to build a haven for lost and abandoned animals.  At that time there were no capital grants, only those for new programs or enlarging existing programs.  We developed a much smaller building and site plan than yours and the most realistic business plan we could based on numbers that could be culled from known past rescue efforts.  We will be eternally grateful to a large corporate donor which offers a 1:1 matching grant of $100,000.  We were given 24 months to match and the local populace who had ben supporting our vision with donations and their purchases in  multiple bake sales and quilt raffles (you know the drill)  came up with the total funds in 18  months.    At the same time volunteers opened a thrift store which continues to provide financing for the shelter buildings's overhead medical expenses in addition to a robust social media fundraising program.  The thrift store has now been open for 20 years and the animal shelter for just over 10.  It's slow but it can be done!

    Candace Huskey

  • 7.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-16-2024 09:40 AM

    That is so amazing! I'm so glad your vision came to life! I'm so glad you all are still going and saving the lives of so many animals! That's what this is all about! It's never easy but sooo worth it! 

    I am so grateful for all the input! Thanks so much! 

    Amy Pearson
    Humane society of Ray County

  • 8.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-16-2024 10:19 AM

     In looking for renovation/ upgrade funds I came across ASPCA, Banfield, Greater Goods as possible sources of funds, project planning, etc.. Are there any regional community foundations in your area.? For instance here in Mn. on our part of the state it is the Northwest Mn. Foundation. By grace, our building was mostly paid for by two local private benefactors 20 plus years ago. We have been mortgage free.The founding committee capitial fundraised for several years prior for land  and other expenses.  Local contractors donated some services. Look for some local business partners who may be able to donate work or materials. One of our sayings--If you don't ask,they can't tell you no, but they can't tell you yes either. Oh yes, also on the upgrades we got a grant from OSHA to cost share repair on floors. The cement paint wore off about year 5 and the concrete was a slipping hazard.Safety issue.I will go back and look for link on that.

    Rochelle Hamp
    Executive Director
    Headwaters Animal Shelter

  • 9.  RE: Funding new shelter

    Posted 03-17-2024 07:12 AM

    Congratulations! I love it when I see visions and dreams come to life! 

    Kim Jackson
    Dog Trainer
    For The Puppies Foundation Inc