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How To Change Your Profile Picture

  • 1.  How To Change Your Profile Picture

    Posted 09-29-2023 01:57 PM
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    Studies have shown that in online communities like Maddie's Pet Forum, discussion threads that are posted by someone with a unique picture instead of the default profile photo tend to get more interaction.  You can add some humanity to your forum experience by uploading a profile picture today!

    Add some humanity to your forum experience by uploading a profile picture today!

    To change your profile picture, head to your profile page:

    Under the default avatar picture, click on "Actions" then select "Change Picture"

    That will open the following pop-up to allow you to select a file to upload as your profile picture:

    On the left side, there are additional options to select where your profile picture is. You can add a picture by URL using the chain icon. You can also select an image from your Facebook, Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Photos, Box or Instagram account. 

    If you opt to select a photo from Facebook, Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Photos, Box or Instagram, you'll be asked to login to that service in order to authenticate your account:

    After selecting a photo you want to use as your profile picture, you'll have the ability to crop the photo by dragging the corners of the square overlay. Once you find the perfect crop, hit the "Save" button to preview your profile photo.
    You'll see a preview of the crop area you selected. You'll have the option to Crop again, Rotate the image using the options on the left side. If you're happy with how your profile picture looks, click the blue "Upload" button.
    You'll see your new profile picture reflected immediately on your profile page and on your avatar on the top right corner of the screen.
    If you want to revert back to the default profile picture, click on Actions and select "Remove Picture". If you want to change your profile picture, select "Change Picture" and repeat the process of selecting and cropping your photo. 
    Thanks for being a member of Maddie's Pet Forum and we're looking forward to seeing pictures of you and your pets!

    Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
    Maddie's Fund