Did you know that you can create discussions and reply to discussions as an anonymous member? Anonymous posting should be used sparingly but is available for you to use if you are sharing sensitive information related to you or your organization. All discussions or replies that are posted anonymously must be reviewed and approved by a forum admin before it appears on the site.
Watch this video to learn how to post anonymously or follow the steps & screenshots below.
To post a discussion anonymously:Click the "Create" button on the top right corner of your screen when logged into Maddie's Pet Forum and select "Discussion Thread" from the drop down
Click the white box if you wish to post your message as an anonymous user. You will see the following text about posting anonymously: "Anonymous posting is allowed. Anonymous posting is for users who do not feel comfortable asking their questions under their name. Please be respectful and follow the community terms and conditions."
After you've compiled your post, click the teal "Post" button at the bottom of the page to post your content to the community. You will see the following pop-up to confirm that you want your post to be shared anonymously:
All anonymous posts will be held in moderation until a community admin has had the chance to review and approve.
Once your post is live on the site, the default avatar will be shown and the post will include text that says, "This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous".
You will receive email notifications as determined by your notification settings for all replies made on your post.
Important! If you wish to continue to reply to comments on the thread as an anonymous user, you MUST select the "Post message anonymously" on each reply you send. Replying to the discussion via the notification email will show your account information. You can ONLY post anonymously by visiting the site and selecting the anonymous option on each contribution. Replying to a thread as an anonymous user:
You can also reply to discussions as an anonymous user. After writing your response, click on the white box next to "Post Anonymously" above the teal "Post" button:
You'll see the pop-up again to confirm you want your reply to posted anonymously. Click "Ok-Send Now" to post your reply. Your reply will be held in moderation until an admin has had the chance to review and approve. Once approved, just like creating an anonymous discussion thread, the default avatar will be shown with text that says, "This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous."
Attaching Files To Your Anonymous Discussion or Reply:
If you use the "Upload file" option to attach a resource or file to your discussion or reply, the resource will also show as posted by an Anonymous User in the resource library. Please note that whatever the filename of your resource is that you are uploading will be displayed as normal.
Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
Maddie's Fund