Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Implimentation of sliding scale fees for service

    Posted 04-05-2023 09:40 AM

    Hi everyone,
    We would like to explore implimenting a sliding scale fee structure for our spay and neuter clinic. Currently we have only two levels: 1. all services are discounted from suggested pricing for all clients and 2. low income subsidy (as defined by Stats Canada). 
    We are wondering what would it look like if we went to a sliding scale and subsidized services based on income for several income points. How much will our administrative requirements increase by, based on our volume? 
    If there is anyone out there that operates a sliding scale business, I would be very glad to hear the pros, cons, tips, tricks so that we can see if it will work with us in our community. 


    Teresa McKernan
    Senior Direction, Veterinary Services

  • 2.  RE: Implimentation of sliding scale fees for service

    Posted 04-10-2023 08:44 AM

    Sounds great, but I believe, if they can, people will lie about income for discounts.

    Ronni LaVine
    South Robeson Vet Clinic

  • 3.  RE: Implimentation of sliding scale fees for service

    Posted 04-10-2023 11:05 AM

    Interesting question and thank you for asking about this as this has been mentioned for our clinic to do the same thing implement a sliding scale.  So I am also interested in hearing feedback from others.  

    Dawn Roberts
    Executive Director
    Beesley Animal Foundation

  • 4.  RE: Implimentation of sliding scale fees for service

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 04-17-2023 11:24 AM
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hopefully you'll get some input, but the trend seems to be moving towards no income verification. It adds a ton of work for organizations, it's intrusive and nosy for clients, and it's a huge barrier for people who can't afford services but don't have the paperwork to prove it. In the USA, most people who need government services aren't using them so they don't have that paperwork to show. And people who are undocumented or work under the table don't have paperwork to show how little income they may have.

    So what DO we do, you may be wondering? :)  The main strategy is using geography and demographics. We identify areas with high percentages of low income folks, lots of people under the poverty line, areas with no vets, etc. And then everyone from those areas who needs services is provided them without needing to go through income verification.