Esther Mechler, you are absolutely right! "There is no easier or more effective way to help cats." I am going to share this video with our group, because even our volunteers, myself included, need to understand the importance and impact we all can have working together.
TNR is the kindest thing you can do for the community cats. Education is key, and I have found in the limited time that I have been volunteering, that most people who do not want to spay or neuter do not want to hear it or have a previous stigma against it. It truly is the best thing you can do for both friendly and feral cats alike.
"Public health is the prevention of problems." A key point in being proactive with the cats! TNVR cases I have dealt with didn't realize how quickly cats reproduce and what options they had to help. It would have been much easier to help at 3 cats than the 15 they now have, but again, education is key and getting people to listen.
Katie Christiansen
Shady's Paw Animal Rescue
Original Message:
Sent: 03-18-2024 09:58 AM
From: Kendall Wapner
Subject: Join the Discussion with Founder Esther Mechler | Episode 1 of United We Spay
Discover the journey of Esther Mechler, founder of United Spay Alliance, as she tackles animal overpopulation and advocates for affordable spay/neuter services. Learn about the "Feline Fix by Five" campaign and how you can make a difference. Share your thoughts and ideas on promoting responsible pet ownership! Listen to the episode on Youtube, Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Kendall Wapner
United Spay Alliance