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Need some help with my pet

  • 1.  Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-05-2024 02:36 AM

    I know this is kind of off-topic, but I thought you guys could certainly give some advice. My girlfriend and I are planning a trip to Spain in April for three weeks. Everything is good so far, except for what to do with our chihuahua. Can we bring him with us somehow, or do we need to think of other plans?


    David wilson
    Graphics Designer
    Insta Store

  • 2.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 03-05-2024 08:06 AM
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    At this point it will be easier to find a dog sitter. To travel with pets, you have to make sure you are following the sometimes complicated import AND export laws for BOTH countries that you are planning to travel in. Yes, including the USA. You can't bring a pet back in with you just because you left with it.

  • 3.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-05-2024 10:21 PM

    Thanks for sharing the information. I have checked it. It looks like Spain is completely free of rabbits and FMD. There's a lot of info to digest. I will have to go through it before deciding what to do.

    David wilson
    Graphics Designer
    Insta Store

  • 4.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-06-2024 08:14 AM

    Have a great time, but do what's best for your dog.

    Travel that complex may not be the best thing for your pet.

    He might prefer a local resort instead!

    Carolyn Kostera

  • 5.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-06-2024 03:42 PM

    My friend, I recommend leaving the dog with some of your nearby relatives. You and your girlfriend deserve a vacation to relax, enjoy, and explore new places where pets might not be allowed. Besides, dogs can be quite annoying at times. If you truly want to enjoy your vacation, plan some special activities with your furry friend now. Take him to the park or other places where he can have a great time. Additionally, ask some of your relatives if they can take care of your dog while you're away. This way, you can have a worry-free and enjoyable vacation.

    Myriam Martinez
    Mujeres Latinas SC

  • 6.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-07-2024 01:56 AM

    Yes, I will try asking a few of my relatives if they can take care of the dog. 

    David wilson
    Graphics Designer
    Insta Store

  • 7.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-07-2024 04:09 AM

    I have a rescued dog who doesn't really like strangers and so for her sake I take her with me when I travel. She is used to her travel carrier and is small enough to come in-cabin which helps.

    You do need to research the rules but other than a few places they aren't actually that complicated if your pet is already mirochipped.

    For the most part Europe is very pet friendly and well-behaved dogs are permitted in many cafes, restaurants, trains and shops, although not likely museums or cathedrals.

    It takes a bit more planning and gives you a bit more freedom but it is certainly do-able and in my case it's a lot less stressful for her than leaving her behind.

    Whatever you decide, enjoy your trip!

    Ursula Hendel
    Granos de Arena

  • 8.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-07-2024 09:40 PM

    Yes, my dog isn't fond of other people either. He's kind of overprotective of his territory. I will take my time to think thoroughly. Thanks for all the suggestions, though. Appreciate it.

    David wilson
    Graphics Designer
    Insta Store

  • 9.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-07-2024 05:39 AM

    Hi, David! I travel with my 3 cats in my van, but have yet to do anything more. And, when I'm gone a long time, I get a Trusted Housesitter. I signed up for this program this year and LOVE IT. We've had such great experiences. It was totally worth the (low) membership fee of $200.  I love that someone is living in my home with my animals. Everyone is vetted with a background check, too. Here's my link (if you use it, I get a kick-back):

    Emily Stewart
    Donor Support Manager, Content Creator
    Veterinary Cannabis Society

  • 10.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-11-2024 05:11 AM

    After a long discussion with my girlfriend over the weekend, we decided to bring him. Also, he's small enough to come in-cabin. I double-checked all the requirements from and decided to get a local from to help us with the "non-commercial" EU health certificate upon arrival in the country. Hopefully, we will be having an excellent time over there. Thanks for all the input. 

    David wilson
    Graphics Designer
    Insta Store

  • 11.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-12-2024 01:14 AM

    Good luck!!! Let us know how it goes and if you have any travel tips! Many folks face having to relocate homes and take their pets flying with them. 

    Emily Stewart
    Donor Support Manager, Content Creator
    Veterinary Cannabis Society

  • 12.  RE: Need some help with my pet

    Posted 03-12-2024 03:42 PM

    Have fun together! 

    You should be aware that Canine leishmania is endemic in Spain and Portugal, so it's a big concern for dogs.  More cases are showing up in UK among dogs who went on holiday to those countries with their owners.  You should talk to your vet about preventive measures you can take before travel, and also ask your contacts in Spain to help you access prevention right away.  Since Leish. is only seen at low levels in the US, your vet may need time to do a little research on it. I'm not sure if a vaccine is available in the US.

    Sand flies are the vector, and general prevention advice is to keep you pet in after dark, keep screens and nets on windows.  You may not have enough time for the vaccine to take effect before you're there, but there are collars that help--I think Seresto collars are the most effective in Mediterranean/European areas. A multi-modal approach is recommended.

    Canine leishmania can affect many different organs and tissues, from skin and mucus membranes to blood and internal organs.  The canine form of it is considered manageable, but not curable, if caught in time.  It is a zoonotic disease, but humans who are infected can be cured.

    Happy, safe travels!  Europe with pets can be wonderful, just prepare for some different risks than you'll find traveling in North America.

    Srečan put!

    April King
    Volunteer and Board Member
    Kotor Kitties
    +1 206 407 5336