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  • 1.  PetPoint Data

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 11-01-2023 10:58 AM
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    I am trying to gather information from PetPoint reports, and I'm at the end of my rope.   Specifically, I'm trying to run reports that show how many canines/felines are on property at any given time - a monthly average inventory of canines, felines and small mammals in SELECT adoption areas.  I know I can pull a report with this information DAILY, but not monthly.  So essentially, we are running 30+ daily reports and manually marking all the different species.   Have any of your boards asked you to present this type of information?  If so, how do you compile it?  They're interested in ensuring that we are using all available space for animal housing, and that we are capacity reporting is accurate.  This is all part of the strategic planning project that I wish I had never initiated.


  • 2.  RE: PetPoint Data

    Posted 11-06-2023 07:28 AM

    Have you reached out to PetPoint? I'm not familiar with PetPoint myself but they should be able to help. I'm not sure what you workflow is exactly but Excel has tons of tools to help create reports and run calculations to avoid doing things manually.

    Maria Saucedo
    GIS Analyst
    Pets for Life at HSUS
    Baltimore, MD

  • 3.  RE: PetPoint Data

    Posted 11-06-2023 09:09 AM
    Hey there,
    I'm sorry you struggling with the PetPoint reporting! Running reports in general is tough because not every platform offers the same capabilities. 

    On Doobert, we have an easy module for reporting that helps with some of the struggles you mentioned. You would be able to run reports on canines/felines and save a pre-made template so you don't have to pick the fields you would like to see in your reports every time. With the customization of the reporting fields, it can always be set to match your needs. Plus, you'd be able to run a report whenever you wanted. 

    Hopefully, this helps to ease your mind a bit. If you'd like to learn more about it let me know and I can help to answer any questions you have.
    Alex Smith
    Operational Support

  • 4.  RE: PetPoint Data

    Posted 11-07-2023 07:50 AM

    Hi Annonymous!

    Pet Point is fairly flexible with data input and reporting, although it's been a while since I've used it.

    The amount of support you get for programming your own reports is really dependent on the service contract you have with them, but this seems like an easy fix.  Can you reach out to your Pet Point representative to see if they can copy the code of the report with different time selections, or with a searchable range of dates (so you can pull one day, one week, or one month of data)?  It really depends on the amount of customization you want from your database and the size of your organization, but when I was at a large Pet Point organization, I was assigned to report writing and editing and had a standing monthly meeting with a representative from their technical team.

    In the meantime, manually counting animals sounds unnecessary - can you export the reports to an Excel or CSV file and sort the data from there? If it starts to sound overwhelming, is there someone with some data analysis experience on your team who can help? Depending on the data format, I bet there's someone accessible who can write a couple of Excel macros to sort, count, and average on-site numbers.

    Best of luck!


    Emily Wood
    Broward County Animal Care
    Fort Lauderdale FL

  • 5.  RE: PetPoint Data

    Posted 03-29-2024 01:18 PM

    Hi anonymous. PetPoint has a pretty robust reporting system and also has the ability to create custom reports. I have been using the software for 12 years. I know sometimes it can be difficult to find the right data, but it's definitely available. 

    For your data question, some of it depends on how you enter data into PetPoint. If you are using the locations in PetPoint, then you can run the Animal: Location History report. This will show you how many animals are in each location or sublocation (select area) by whatever dates you enter. If you enter a full month, it will show you the total for the month - then you can get your totals or monthly averages as needed. It also shows a breakdown by age group for this report. 

    Hopefully, that helps. Otherwise, like others said you can create a custom report in PetPoint builders or reach out to your PP Rep for additional help. I have worked with them for many years, and they have always been very helpful. 

    Emily Love
    IT & Special Projects Manager
    Greenhill Humane Society

  • 6.  RE: PetPoint Data

    Posted 03-31-2024 07:30 AM

    We have had petpoint for years and they have been really responsive. If you are not the admin. for it, have the admin make sure the setup parameters are up to date.I only report the monthly data  to my board. Seems excessive what you are doing, but we are a small capacity shelter. I just got  finished with linking my pet point to the Shelter Pet data Alliance as part of the Best Friends network partnership requirements. Check that out and you may be able to get the data you need from that. (

    Rochelle Hamp
    Executive Director
    Headwaters Animal Shelter