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  • 1.  Posting to You Tube - Technical Help Needed

    Posted 9 days ago

    We started a You Tube channel and are now trying to upload interviews from the local TV station to our You Tube channel.  I can't figure out how to do that -- or if it's even OK to do.  Can anyone help?  

    Our YouTube channel (linked here)

    News Interview (one of them) below

    Spayed and Aid of Kentucky holds first pet food distribution event (

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid

  • 2.  RE: Posting to You Tube - Technical Help Needed

    Posted 8 days ago

    I've posted videos to YouTube a few times. I'll try to help, unless an expert can step in. The first thing would be to make sure you have permission to share the content. Also, check if the interviews are already uploaded on the TV station's website or social media-then you can just link to theirs-problem solved!

    Do you own the clip and have a copy on your computer? Sorry, it's unclear to me.

    You'll have to set up a YouTube account, if you haven't already, with a username and password. Once that's done a whole new world of tutorials will be accessible. I can't remember exactly what's involved but it may include info on what format the file should be in, the parameters for length of video, etc. I remember you have to input:

    a title for the clip

    keywords/hashtags to help people find it

    and there's a thing where you have to indicate if the content is specifically meant for children, which, oddly enough, the answer would be "no" since it's also for adults.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

    Does your org have an instagram account? That might be a more trendy place to upload videos. TikTok also-at least until yesterday's announcement.

    Carol B.
    Foster Volunteer/Grants Coordinator

  • 3.  RE: Posting to You Tube - Technical Help Needed

    Posted 6 days ago

    Hi Karen

    You won't be able to do that as the content you linked clearly isn't your copyright and YT is (rightfully) super strict about copyright. If you want to post that to your YouTube, you'd need to ask the channel for a clip. Even then it would likely be picked up as a possibly copyright violation by the algorithm. Not only would it be taken down but your account would be suspended - and it can be painful to get it back. 



    Bettina Vine
    Animal Health Director
    The Kitten Connection

  • 4.  RE: Posting to You Tube - Technical Help Needed

    Posted 6 days ago

    OK.  Thanks for that information.   The stations have given us Links to the interviews and we have put links on our websites with their permission but I guess there's no way to get those links on YouTube.  It's great exposure for us and I'm trying to get ideas on how to expand coverage.  Appreciate your feedback.

    Karen Kirsch
    Spayed and Aid