Original Message:
Sent: 05-19-2023 12:05 PM
From: AmberEby
Subject: Reminder: Open Arms Challenge Participation Reports Due Friday, 5/19/23 at 5pm Pacific Time!
Hi Elizabeth,
I just replied to the email you sent to the grants@maddiesfund.org.
This is the best way to get help with the grants portal.
I look forward to receiving your response to that email.
Amber Eby
Grants Specialist
Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 05-19-2023 11:45 AM
From: Elizabeth Ashley
Subject: Reminder: Open Arms Challenge Participation Reports Due Friday, 5/19/23 at 5pm Pacific Time!
I am also having difficult signing in. My username is elizabethashley. The email on the account is elizabeth@wagworkshops.org. Thank you!
Elizabeth Ashley
Dog Trainer
Wag Workshops
Southern Maryland
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2023 10:31 AM
From: Amber Eby
Subject: Reminder: Open Arms Challenge Participation Reports Due Friday, 5/19/23 at 5pm Pacific Time!
Here are some screenshots and tips to help you submit your Participation Report by 5pm PST on Friday, 5/19/23. Remember there is $420,000 in grants plus other amazing prices up for grabs! We don't want you to miss out!
1. 1. Log into your grants portal account at Grantee Signin. If you have trouble with your login, please email us at grants@maddiesfund.org or call us 925-310-5450.

2. Once you log in, you will land on the Grantee Dashboard. Click on Grantee Reports on the left side, middle of your screen.

3. Select Grantee Reports and then Open Items.

4. Under Open Items, you will see Open Arms 2023 - Participation Report. All the way to the right of that report will be a drop down arrow. Depending on what browser you are using, you may have to first scroll all the way to the right and then scroll down to see this arrow.
5. Click on the arrow and select Edit. This will open the report. The report will look like the screenshot below.

6. Please answer all of the questions completely. When you are done, click the blue Review/Submit button on the top right side of the screen.
7. You will be taken to another screen to review your application. Please review and then click Submit to send your Participation Report to the grants team.

8. You will receive a popup asking if you are sure you would like to submit. Click OK.

9. Once you submit, you should receive a pop up that your report has been submitted and an email that your report has been submitted. If you do not receive both of this messages, please contact us at grants@maddiesfund.org or 925-310-5465 to make sure that your report has been submitted.
We are happy to help you submit your reports and answer any questions you may have.
Thanks so much!
Amber Eby
Grants Specialist
Maddie's Fund
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2023 10:01 AM
From: Amber Eby
Subject: Reminder: Open Arms Challenge Participation Reports Due Friday, 5/19/23 at 5pm Pacific Time!
Hello 2023 Open Arms Challenge Participants!
I wanted to say thank you to everyone for opening their hearts and minds to more accessible and inclusive practices and joining us in this Challenge! We've seen what you've been posting here and are getting very excited to see your Participation Reports!
Just a reminder that your Participation Reports are due Friday, 5/19/23 at 5pm Pacific Time. If you haven't already, please log into your grants portal account. You can find the report on your Grantee Dashboard, under Reports and Open Items. If you select "Edit" from the drop down arrow to the right of the report, you can complete and submit your report.
Check out the sample report in the 2023 Open Arms Challenge resources to get prepared to submit the real thing by 5/19/23!
@Irene Chansawang and I are here and happy to answer any of your questions via grants@maddiesfund.org or at 925-310-5450. If you have a question that you think others may have too, please go ahead and ask it here.
We look forward to hearing from you and reading all about the great work you did this winter!
Amber Eby
Grants Specialist
Maddie's Fund