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Searching for Content on Maddie's Pet Forum

  • 1.  Searching for Content on Maddie's Pet Forum

    Posted 08-31-2023 01:30 PM
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    One of the quickest ways to find discussions, resources and events on Maddie's Pet Forum is by using the Search function. We encourage you to use Search before you start a discussion to see if the question you are asking has already been answered.

    To use Search, enter keywords or phrases into the Search bar on the top right corner of the site.

    In the example below, we are searching for "spanish adoption application". On the search results page from a desktop computer, you'll see the screen split up into two columns. On the left column, there are filters for the following content types: Announcements, Communities, Discussion Threads, Events, Library Entries and Q&A Threads.  

    If you're looking for a file that has been uploaded to the resource library, select "Library Entries" from the filters. This will remove all other content types from the results list and only show you library entries.
    You can further drill down those library entry search results by using options from the "More Filters" section on the left column: Content Type, Community, Author, Attachments, File Types, Formal Tags, User Tags, Comments, @Mentions and Created. Each "More Filters" section will reveal checkboxes for additional options. You can select more than one section and checkbox to narrow the results.
    You can also sort search results by Relevance, Most Recent (i.e., newest) or Least Recent (i.e., oldest). When the search results are sorted by Relevance, their placement considers: the number of times the search term is used and where in the content (Title, Description, etc.) the search term is used.
    Pro Tip: When opening an item from the search results page, we recommend right clicking on the title of the item and selecting "Open in New Tab". This allows you to view the item without losing your place on the search results page.
    Feel free to explore the search page and let us know if you have any questions by commenting below or contacting us at

    Maddie's Pet Forum Admin
    Maddie's Fund