We are a Rural County Rescue in the Brazos Valley of Texas. We are less than 2 hours from Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Waco. Our large agricultural area is an easy "dumping" place for primarily dogs. At intake of, the animals are examined, evaluated and a photo collage is made of them. After evaluation, the Board discusses the best path for the good of the dog and we start posting the collages and the information on the dog. We use Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and twitter for posting and usually post several times daily. Social media is our primary outlet for information on fostering, adoption, transport and needs of the rescue. We can be found on Facebook at Haven Animal Rescue of Texas. We have two Board members that do the majority of the preparation of the media and then keep pictures and comments in front of the public. It has proven to be an extremely useful tool. We are currently doing Facebook live postings coordinated with a large Brazos Valley event supporting Not-for-profits. I would encourage you to look at our Page, and if you have questions, we could discuss specifics.
Steve McCoy
Grant Coordinator
Haven Animal Rescue of Texas
Original Message:
Sent: 10-16-2023 02:49 PM
From: Samantha Maurice
Subject: Social media posting schedules/plans
We try to post no more than twice daily on Facebook. We have a set schedule for posting our events and how much we post about events within a week varies according to how many events we have coming up. Aside from that, we post donation requests and thank yous as needed, a weekly update with who was adopted the previous week, and fill the rest with adoptable animals and sprinkle in some adoption follow-up stories.
Sam Maurice
Humane Society of Jefferson County
Jefferson WI
Original Message:
Sent: 10-13-2023 01:44 PM
From: Anonymous Member
Subject: Social media posting schedules/plans
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
Would anyone be willing to share your social media posting plans (mostly how often each day/week you are posting about foster, volunteering, available animals, etc)?