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  • 1.  SOP's for Volunteer/Outreach and Foster/Rescue Coordinator

    Posted 10-05-2022 10:26 AM
    I recently started as the Adoptions Manager in a small county shelter. About 6 months before I started the county made a Volunteer/Outreach position and a Foster/Rescue position. However there are no SOP's for either position yet, I would like to create said SOP for each. I do have the job descriptions and the expectations for both positions. My question is would anyone be willing to share their SOP's for these positions (or similar positions) with me as a guideline to start with?  Being in the shelter field for many years (10+) I have an idea of what I want in the SOP's, however most of the wording seems off.  Therefore having a guide or samples of other SOP's would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all in advance! My email is

    Megan Stalb
    Adoption Manager
    Queen Anne's County Animal Services

  • 2.  RE: SOP's for Volunteer/Outreach and Foster/Rescue Coordinator

    Posted 10-06-2022 04:23 PM
    Congrats on your new position! Not sure if you've checked our forum resource library yet but there may be some helpful documents shared by others in these folders:
    We also have separate folders in the library for foster manuals if you're creating those too:
    Hopefully others will share their SOPs as well. Best of luck in launching these new programs at your shelter!

    Kim Domerofski (she/her)
    Community Manager
    Maddie's Fund

  • 3.  RE: SOP's for Volunteer/Outreach and Foster/Rescue Coordinator

    Posted 10-07-2022 12:04 PM
    Afternoon Kim, 

    Thank you so much for the suggestions! I have been looking at the forum resource library. I will take a look at the two folders suggested! It is very much appreciated :)

    Megan Stalb
    Adoption Manager
    Queen Anne's County Animal Services