Animal Welfare Professionals

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  • 1.  Staff adoptions

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 05-16-2024 08:40 AM
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    What is your policy for staff wanting to adopt?  Do you require additional approval by a designated staff member (their manager, ED, etc)? Are they automatically approved, etc?


  • 2.  RE: Staff adoptions

    Posted 05-16-2024 01:13 PM

    We follow the same protocol for the most part as we would for the public. We need to do a meet and greet if you have a dog and you want to adopt a dog. We also have them get landlord approval if they rent. We are a little more lenient on requiring vet records for their current dog as most of the staff use our wellness clinic here at the shelter. 

    Erin Robinson
    Foster Coordinator
    Licking County Humane Society

  • 3.  RE: Staff adoptions

    Posted 05-17-2024 06:55 AM

    All of our board members foster animals; most, but not all can adopt the animal they are fostering. 

    Robin Barker
    Fuzz Ball Animal Rescue

  • 4.  RE: Staff adoptions

    Posted 05-20-2024 07:21 AM

    We do the same form as we do for other adopters for our staff, board members, fosters, and volunteers. We are a conversation-based adoption center so our application is short and we don't require home checks, landlord calls, etc. I can't think of any time while I've been there that we have told a staff member they can't adopt. 

    One of our staff benefits is that we get one waived adoption fee per year, and 20% off the price for our retail items (such as pet food we sell, etc). Fosters/volunteers/Board members pay a normal adoption fee. Fosters do get "first chance" to adopt their foster (and 95% of the time, if they're approved to foster, they can also adopt).

    Erin Dams
    Community Relations Coordinator
    Roanoke Valley SPCA
    Roanoke VA