We also use Signup Genius so our volunteers can quickly sign up for volunteer shifts. We only make enough slots for what we can handle, and we can break it down into different tasks. For example, we have one for dog walkers, one for cat cleaners, one for general volunteers, and we have signups for our orientations. This way we don't have too many people signing up for one time slot or activity, and we can see who's coming at what times.
The down sides we find are the volunteer is responsible for canceling their shift, so if they no-show, there is no way to cancel it or fill it from our end. Also, not great on the reporting side, especially if someone no-shows, it still records their shift for them. There is no clocking in or out to track actual time at the shelter. It also only collects name, email, and phone number, but texts and email reminders, and you can send emails to different groups of people.
We use TimeclockWizard for tracking hours for all volunteers, since we can track actual hours, and we can enter address and emergency contacts. Volunteers clock in and out at the shelter kiosk of from their phone, and they can even print out their own hours completed if they need it for school or community service. It does have a scheduling feature if you wanted to create the volunteer schedule, but we don't use it since it's extra ($12/mo). Downside is that they can't use it to sign up for shifts on their own, but they can request changes or swap shifts once they are created.
For staff we use Sling, which lets us create schedules, staff can clock in and out, you can track hours, and you can enter info like address phone, email , etc. To get the timeclock, we pay per person, so it would not be affordable to use for volunteers.
Hope that helps!
Tracy Mohr
Animal Services Manager
City of Chico Animal Services
Chico CA
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2023 02:31 PM
Subject: Volunteer Scheduling Software
Looking for recommendations for free scheduling software for volunteers. Are there any good free software services out there that you have had good success with?
Erin Ellis
Community Engagement Director
Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe
Foster Program & Volunteer Management Specialist