See if there's a pet food supply store in the area that sells their store brand of litter in bulk. (The type of situation where they sell you a first bucket, and then you bring back the empty bucket to be refilled for a set price.) If they offer non-clumping litter, ask them about doing a bulk purchase of their litter in the super sack it is delivered in.
We did this for our Kitten Foster Program, although we get the clumping litter. It comes in a 3,000 lb sack and they're nice enough to deliver it to us on a pallet (it helps to have a relationship with the store so they're willing to help you) when we need more. You'll need a place to store it, and there's a bit of work involved breaking it down, but the savings are well worth it. We get ~135 filled jugs out of each super sack.
chris zorzi
Original Message:
Sent: 07-21-2022 09:32 AM
From: Amy Berke
Subject: Where to purchase non-clumping cat litter in bulk
Hi! We are a cat rescue and are looking for the cheapest way to purchase non-clumping cat litter in bulk. The cheapest I've found so far is Walmart at 19.4 cents per pound. We'd be willing to purchase 1000 pounds at one time if we can find a good price. Does anyone have any suggestions for places to purchase litter cheaply? We use the non-clumping in our infirmary & intake rooms as we change it daily, and also for our youngest kittens during their "learning" phase (ie: learning that litter is NOT food! LOL). Thanks in advance!
Amy Berke
St. Francis Animal Rescue of Venice Inc