Memphis Animal Services is hiring one of two Shelter Supervisors who will manage the shelter's animal population and guide major operations and planning decisions. The shelter supervisors manage the animal care team (who handle the daily feeding, cleaning, enrichment, playgroups, and matchmaking) as well as the volunteer & outreach team (who handle transports, rescue partners, and the foster program). Shelter supervisors also monitor the behavior of the in-shelter population and determine appropriate pathways alongside the assistant shelter supervisor, animal care team, and the volunteer & outreach team. This position was posted on January 20, 2023, and will be open for 10 days.#AdmissionsandIntake(includingIntake-to-placement)#Behavior,TrainingandEnrichment#FosterPrograms#PeopleManagement(includingVolunteerIntegration)#TransfersandTransport
6150 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 125Pleasanton, CA 94588
Phone: (925) 310-5450Email:
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