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Urgent Care Program Manual - Toronto Humane Society 

04-08-2022 08:54 AM

Toronto Humane Society's Urgent Care Program Manual

Urgent Care Program description from the manual: 
Over the years, in response to community requests, we offered temporary fostering, similar to SafePet, to pet owners with needs that fell outside of the domestic violence realm. In the interest of maintaining the human-animal bond, we accepted these animals into our foster program.

Appreciating this need existed on a larger scale, and in conjunction with our experience offering SafePet, we felt compelled to officially expand our program. Thank you to PetSmart Charities® of Canada for making this program possible.

With the official launch of the UC program, we were able to make two key program expansions:

• Extend the program offering to populations beyond survivors of violence
• Accept requests directly from owners, without requiring a third-party referral


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Uploaded - 04-08-2022

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