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Photos of Traps and Dens for SNR/RTF programs 

02-08-2019 07:44 AM

When we work with shelters that are implementing a SNR/RTF program we advise that the most ideal situation is that the cat enters the shelter day 1, has surgery day 2 and is released on day 3. If that process is able to be followed, keeping the cat in the humane trap is fine. You can easily feed in the trap and the cat can be moved into a fresh trap as needed. We advise that the traps should be elevated over newspaper to allow waste to fall through the trap (we cut PVC pipes in half to use as risers). Do not line the trap with newspaper or pads that will trap the urine and feces because you do not want the cat forced to sit on wet paper getting urine soaked. 

If you know there is going to be a delay in the surgery process we would advise transferring the cat from a trap to a den (shown in cprice's comments) and set up in a cage with access to food/water & litter box. The cat can easily be transferred back from the den to a trap on the day of surgery. If you're purchasing the dens we would recommend not getting the one with the molded handle because then the cat can't comfortably lay on the top (the other can be used multi purpose as both a hiding spot and perch). 


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